​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Line Controller - manage and control the entire line

Our Line Controller handles the configuration of the entire line and controls it during production – managing conveyor speeds and the starting, stopping and by-passing of machines. The Line Controller also serves as the integrating point of single lines into plant automation systems. This includes download of recipes and exchange of production data to the plant Manufacturing Execution System (MES).​​

Tetra Pak conveyor control system

Tetra Pak® Conveyor control system

Controls the flow of packages, which increases line efficiency and minimises damage to packages queuing on the production line,

Line controller process machine in white background

Tetra Pak® Line Controller 40

The Tetra Pak® Line Controller 40 secures line performance and package appearance. It efficiently handles the configuration of packaging lines and controls the lines during production.

Customer case

Customer case

A major investment in Hellenic Dairies plant in Romania resulted in the installation of a comprehensive range of end-of-line and warehousing equipment.

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