Carton today – pizza box tomorrow

Tetra Pak cartons are mainly made of paper coming from wood fibers. Thanks to an effective recycling loop, one single piece of carton can have several lives. The fibers can be recycled several times before they lose their strength. A beverage carton can then become a cereal box, a shoebox or an egg tray after being recycled - or, in other words, after being brought back to life.

What do you see when you see a carton? 

Many of the products we use in everyday life are based on nature’s own renewable materials that can be recycled and transformed into new products. Watch this recycling process in our films.

What do you see when you see a carton? 

Many of the products we use in everyday life are based on nature’s own renewable materials that can be recycled and transformed into new products. Watch this recycling process in our films.

Recycling: How it works

Many of us know that recycling is a great way to help keep our planet happy and healthy in the long run. But not everyone knows what happens to cartons once they have been recycled. We have compiled information to help you better understand the different materials and the process behind recycling.

Join our family 

Oatly, Tine Iskaffe, Biola and Marli Juissi are among those who have chosen a Tetra Pak packaging solution. They even let us borrow their packaging design for a period of time to highlight the sustainable benefits of carton.

If you also want to upgrade your company’s packaging to a Tetra Pak solution, read more about our different packaging opportunities.

Recycling: how and where

Not everyone knows that used food and beverage cartons are recyclable. Probably because collection and recycling are handled differently from country to country.

If you want to give your carton another life, contact your local municipal to find out how they collect waste in your area.

Finland: Rinki

Sweden: FTI and Returkartong 

Norway: Grønt punkt and Drikkekartong | Sortere

Denmark: Miljøministeriet Sådan sorterer du dit affald 

Recycling station, recycling bins

Can’t get enough of recycling?

Every day, Tetra Pak works to help increase the collection and recycling of food and beverage cartons. This is done together with authorities and partners in the industry. If you can’t get enough of recycling just like us, we have gathered for you more information on our environmental engagements.

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