Tetra Recart® cartons for pet food: Retortable, responsible, renewable

As the only retortable 100ml carton package in the industry, Tetra Recart® 100 Mini is already a strong choice for brands looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

But where Tetra Recart really stands out is as an environmentally sound alternative to cans, glass jars and pouches. Here’s a closer look at what makes the full Tetra Recart line — including the new Tetra Recart 100 Mini — the complete package for sustainability-minded food producers.

Cat food in Tetra Recart carton packages

Better every step of the way

An environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique used to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with every stage of a product’s life, from the sourcing and production of packaging materials to filling and distribution to recycling and energy recovery.

Between 2014 and 2021, we conducted five LCA studies across four regions: Europe, Oceania, Japan and the United States. As we see it, impact on climate change is the most important result from an LCA study. As emphasized in the Paris Agreement from 2015, climate change is the number one global environmental concern. It is measured in CO2 equivalents, and the results from these LCA studies consistently show that Tetra Recart® has a clear advantage over cans, glass jars and pouches:

Tetra Recart vs. cans: up to 80% lower climate impact

Tetra Recart vs. pouches: 20–40% lower climate impact


In order to earn certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the raw materials used in food packaging must come from responsibly managed forests and other carefully controlled sources.

We’re proud to report that 100% of Tetra Recart cartons are FSC-certified, and that Tetra Pak has delivered more than 480 billion FSC-labeled packages since 2007.


An important part of Tetra Pak’s sustainability strategy is the use of renewable materials in our packaging. This includes paperboard, which is a renewable material because it is wholly or partly made of wood fibers from sources that are continually replenished.

Tetra Recart cartons are made mainly from FSC-certified paperboard, making it the first paper-based packaging material robust enough to withstand the retorting process.

Responding to consumer demand

A study conducted on behalf of Tetra Pak by Ipsos revealed that 43% of consumers say environmentally sound packaging is an important factor in their buying decisions. The Tetra Recart 100 Mini is a direct response to consumer demand for packaging that not only meets their needs, but also contributes to a healthier planet.

Source: Lifecycle assessment food cartons

Find out more

Katze mit Katzenfutter in Tetra Recart Kartonverpackung

Tetra Recart® 100 Mini für Tiernahrung

Wer Tiere hat, wird Ihr Produkt in der Tetra Recart® 100 Mini Verpackung lieben, denn diese Verpackung lässt sich einfach öffnen, entleeren, wieder verschließen und entsorgen.

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