White paper: Optimised filling for Tetra Rex® packaging machines

Increase production by up to 500 packs/hour

Thanks to the development of a Tetra Pak patented technology called optimized filling, issues like splashing, foaming and air incorporation in Tetra Rex® packages are a thing of the past. Discover how our experts investigated and solved these issues to bring you a superior filling solution; one that boosts machine output by up to 500 packs/hour and allows you to fill more difficult products.

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Tetra Rex optimized filing white paper

Find out more

Tetra Pak TR/27 XH

Tetra Pak® TR/27

High performing filling machine producing Tetra Rex® gable top cartons for chilled products with extended hygiene. Secure food safety with best-in-class hygiene

Tetra Pak TR/28 XH, Tetra Rex filling machine

Tetra Pak® TR/28

High-capacity filling machine producing Tetra Rex® gable top cartons for chilled products with extended hygiene. Secure food safety with best-in-class hygiene.

Tetra Rex carton package

Tetra Rex® carton packages

This iconic design continues to lead the way in modern, convenient packaging for an endless variety of chilled products and every at-home occasion.

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