Best-practice line for yoghurt milk with OneStep technology

One single heat treatment and minimum to no intermediate storage – with the line for yoghurt milk with OneStep technology, the non-value adding parts of the process are removed and the step from raw milk to formulated yoghurt milk happens in one go.

OneStep technology combines separation, standardization, blending, heat treatment, and more in a single step. There’s no faster or more efficient way to produce yoghurt milk. You can start from raw milk or milk powder, or a combination of both. OneStep technology makes yoghurt milk production more energy-efficient, reducing emissions and saving resources.

illustrations for processing line

Reducing TCO

Compared to conventional lines, both configurations of the Best-practice line for yoghurt milk with OneStep technology saves you money. The installations are smaller and more space-efficient, and reduce your consumption of water, steam, electricity and cleaning detergents. The solutions also produce less waste.

boy drinking milk

Reduced carbon footprint

The Best-practice line for yoghurt milk with OneStep technology reduces your water consumption by up to 49%, your electricity consumption by up to 41%, and your heat energy by up to 16% - by minimising the use of resources. This results in a 25% reduction in your carbon footprint compared to conventional solutions.

Carbon footprint (kg CO2 equivalents)1:
Conventional line: 21.8
In-line powder addition: 16.3
In-line slurry addition: 16.6

yoghurt processing line

Zero compromises on product quality

A leaner process, less equipment – so how is it possible to maintain the product quality from the conventional process? First of all, the Tetra Pak High Shear Mixer ensures optimal performance of the added powder. Furthermore, you get the right composition of yoghurt milk by securing accurate fat content and ingredient addition to the fermentation tank. And last but not least, the Tetra Pak Pasteurizer D controls it all and makes sure the temperature stays correct all throughout the process.

Two patent pending configurations

The line for yoghurt milk with OneStep technology comes in two patent pending configurations, differentiated in the way that ingredients are added to the yoghurt milk.

Yoghurt milk: OneStep + slurry addition

Leaner production

This concept for treatment of yoghurt milk enables lean production In-line dosing of slurry involves less equipment than the conventional process, reducing costs and product waste - while making zero compromises on product quality. The yoghurt milk can be used to make all types of yoghurt products.

Yoghurt milk: OneStep + powder addition

Leaner production

This concept for treatment of yoghurt milk enables a leaner process with less equipment involved. The non-value-adding parts of the process are eliminated - while making zero compromises on product quality. The yoghurt milk can be used to make all types of yoghurt products.

Complete integrated lines for yoghurt

yoghurt processing line

Ambient drinking yoghurt

Are you looking for a complete solution for processing and packaging of drinking yoghurt for ambient distribution? Let us present our best-practice line, designed to meet your needs for production economy and flexibility.

yoghurt processing line

Chilled drinking yoghurt

Are you looking for a complete solution for processing and packaging of drinking yoghurt for chilled distribution? Let us present our best-practice line, designed to meet your needs for production economy and flexibility.

Rethinking resources

Food and beverage producers face growing challenges in energy, water, and waste management. Addressing them requires a combination of technology and food expertise, tailored to your operations. Our comprehensive portfolio of products and services, backed by decades of experience in food applications, can help you reduce your energy, water, and waste while simultaneously delivering cost benefits.

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1 Scope: from outlet of raw milk silo to outlet of yoghurt milk pasteurizer (process for surplus cream and powder systems is not included).
Production scenario for preparation of yoghurt milk: 15 000 L/h, 8h x 2 per day, 300 days/year​
Product: Yoghurt milk with composition 1,5% fat, 4,0% protein and 5% added sugar according to recipe below.​
- Raw milk 98%​
- Surplus cream -6%​
- Skim milk powder 2%​
- Sugar 5%​
- Starch 1%​
Total 100%