Aseptic dosing of heat-sensitive ingredients

There are two main approaches to producing UHT milk products: in batches or in-line. In-line dosing require less hardware as there is no need for a thermiser or pastueriser and no need for the immediate storage tank. The milk goes directly from reception to the UHT unit, followed by a very compact in-line aseptic dosing unit placed before or after the aseptic buffer tank. This means a much smaller footprint – and a reduced investment cost.

We offer two solutions for aseptic dosing of heat-sensitive ingredents for beverages: the Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit F with aspetic transfer of pre-sterilised additives and the Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit E with in-line sterile filtration.

Examples of additives suitable for aseptic dosing are lactase, colours, flavours, probiotics, Omega 3, vitamins, salt and rennet solutions.

Equipment for dosing

Tetra Pak Aseptic Dosing unit E

Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit E

Aseptic dosing of true solutions and suspensions containing particles smaller than 0.22 microns into aseptic systems.

Tetra Pak Aseptic Dosing unit F

Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit F

Flexible aseptic dosing - functional ingredients are injected with high precision into the base product after the final heat treatment, just before filling.

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