Why prioritise protein?

Protein plays numerous vital roles in the body. It aids in repairing and constructing tissues, facilitates metabolic reactions, regulates bodily functions, contributes to maintaining pH balance and fluid levels, boosts the immune system, assists in nutrient transport and storage, and serves as an energy reserve when required. In short, as protein is helping consumers throughout their lives, the consumer base is huge.

Ella’s parents always pack a shake for her lunch and an extra in case of after-school activities.

Michael manages his diet well, but still enjoys a shake after training, for those quick proteins.

Maria’s dietician has designed a menu, including nutrient-rich drinks, designed for her special dietary needs.

A high-protein meal replacement for lunch helps John stick to his diet, without feeling hungry or tired.

Elena complements her vegan diet with protein drinks, to make sure she gets what she needs.

Cho and Yi are determined to stay active, so they look for health claims when they shop for groceries

In the Oliveira family, everyone gets the protein they need through the milk that everyone enjoys in their own way.

Find out more

Wwomen and sports drink in carton package

Food Supplement & Nutrition

Food Supplements & Nutrition is growing, high-margin category including products such as protein, sports, and medical products

Happy couple and nutrition drink

Looking for healthy growth?

The market for food supplement and nutrition is booming and will continue to do so driven by a resourceful ageing population and health-conscious younger people.

Brochures on table

What makes a great package design?

All our packages are designed to stand out, whether on shelves, gym refrigerators, cafés or online. However, the unique eight-sided shape of Tetra Prisma® Aseptic creates opportunities for even more stunning designs

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1) Source: Ipsos for Tetra Pak Quantitative Survey on Health & Nutrition 2023 (Brazil, US, China, India, South Korea, Kenya, South Africa, Germany, Spain, UK) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/functions-of-protein#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3