Social Media Community Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to be part of our online community. We want to ensure we maintain a positive and respectful space for everyone.

Whilst we welcome feedback and comments from our audience, we do not moderate the comments or messages by social media users on our pages prior to publication. Please report any abusive, offensive or illegal content to the platform in which you see them. These comments are also not representative of the opinions of Tetra Pak, meaning we do not confirm their accuracy. 

We aim to keep this social media page a pleasant site for all social media users, so we kindly ask you – the users – to respect the following rules and note that content that does not comply with these guidelines will be (or may have been) removed:

Respect and decency

Comments containing abusive, defamatory, obscene, or offensive language will not be tolerated. We want to keep conversations positive and respectful.

No Fraud or deception

Misleading, deceptive, or unlawful content will be removed, including any attempts to promote fraudulent schemes.

Inclusion matters

We do not allow hateful language or any comments that target someone’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, or political beliefs. 

Respect intellectual property

When sharing content, please avoid posting anything that may infringe on copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

No sales pitches or solicitation

This is a space for community conversation, not for commercial solicitation or sales pitches. Please refrain from promotional comments or links to external sales.

No spam or link baiting

Spam, repetitive messages, or unrelated links are not permitted. 

Stay on topic

Please post comments that are relevant to the published post, irrelevant comments may be removed. 

In addition to all the above, we kindly refer you to this social media page’s own rules, which you can read here:

YouTube Terms of Service:

Instagram’s Terms of Use:

X Terms of Service:

LinkedIn’s User Agreement:

These guidelines also apply to all company spokespeople.

Should you wish to share any further feedback or comment, please do contact us here:

Thank you for being part of our community and helping us create a positive environment!