Many global markets lack the conditions – geography and climate – for producing their own fresh milk, have uneven milk production, or find the distances to transport fresh milk are too great to be feasible. Consequently, the market for recombined milk continues to grow – yet consumers still place high demands on quality and value. With over 70 years of experience in dairy production, our complete portfolio of outstanding solutions for recombined milk production, enables leaner and smarter line configurations that offer exceptional production availability, efficiency, flexibility, and consistent product quality for the lowest possible total cost of ownership.
Recombined milk is the liquid milk obtained by adding skim milk powder (SMP) to water and adding milk fat separately to achieve the desired fat and total solids content. Recombined milk can be used for the same purposes as raw milk: drinking, yoghurt production, cheese production, etc.
Batch production is the traditional approach to recombined milk. It gives you the lowest investment cost, but the operational costs are generally high. Batch production is a great solution for small volumes. Tetra Pak can also offer this configuration with elimination of the pasteurization step.
View best-practice line for recombined UHT milk: batch production in PXPThis is the configuration that gives you everything: the lowest total cost of ownership (which means the highest efficiency). You get high accuracy, which assures consistent product quality and significant ingredient savings. Of course you get high capacity and a small footprint. And you get exceptional flexibility.
View best-practice line for recombined UHT milk with OneStep and multistream blending in PXPBatch production is the traditional approach to recombined milk. It gives you the lowest investment cost, but the operational costs are generally high. Batch production is a great solution for small volumes. Tetra Pak can also offer this configuration with elimination of the pasteurization step.
View best-practice line for recombined UHT milk: batch production in PXPTetra Pak’s unique OneStep technology for recombined milk proccessing is about batch concentrate mixing with in-line blending. It eliminates the need for a pasteurizer, saving you a lot of money. There’s no need for big storage tanks either, which saves you more. And with fewer and smaller tanks, there’s less CIP and tank preparation, a smaller footprint, less maintenance and lower product losses.
Tetra Pak’s unique OneStep technology for recombined milk proccessing is about batch concentrate mixing with in-line blending. It eliminates the need for a pasteurizer, saving you a lot of money. There’s no need for big storage tanks either, which saves you more. And with fewer and smaller tanks, there’s less CIP and tank preparation, a smaller footprint, less maintenance and lower product losses.
Learn more about improving the quality of recombined white milk as well as reducing the total cost of operation of dairy processing.
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