Milk clarification
The main purpose of milk clarification is to remove impurities. Many clarifiers can only be used for either hot or cold milk, but with Tetra Pak® Clarifiers, you can process both. The efficiency of the removal of smaller particles increases with the temperature, and the most efficient reduction of leucocytes and bacteria is achieved at 50–60 °C.
Whey clarification
To maintain optimum fat separation and long run times, it is necessary to remove cheese fines from the whey before it reaches the whey separator. Installing a centrifugal clarifier upstream of the whey separator is the most efficient way to remove cheese fines. Clarification normally takes place at the same temperature as whey separation, i.e. at vat temperature.
Plant-based clarification
Plant-based beverages represent an exciting new category that is rapidly expanding. Tetra Pak® Separators can assist in the journey from raw ingredient to finished plant-based product. Whether you want a silky mouth feel or a thicker viscosity, selecting a Tetra Pak® Separator in your line means you have increased flexibility to adapt to changing needs, whilst protecting product quality.
Quick facts
Units for removing impurities such as bacteria, somatic cells, red blood corpuscles, straw and seeds, sand and dirt and cows hair
15,000 l/hr to 70,000 l/hr
Dairy milk, whey and plant-based beverages
Hermetic inlet seals
The product exits the Bactofuge unit via hermetic outlet seals. This prevents overflow and, in two phase machines, the unwanted mixing of the clean milk with the spore and bacteria enriched milk. It also prevents air entering the machine, which could split the fat globules and cause issues in downstream processes.
Hollow spindle
By contrast to competing models, in Tetra Pak® Clarifiers the product enters the bowl smoothly and accelerates gradually as it passes through the rotating spindle. This, combined with the absence of air in the system, means the product is handled gently. This ensures that the size of particles and aggregates is always maintained.
Corrosion resistant bowl
The use of Duplex and Super Duplex steel for our bowl material offers a high resistance to corrosion and therefore extends the lifetime of the bowl. We offer a 10 year guarantee on bowl material for all AirTight Design Separators.
Hermetic outlet seals
The product exits the clarifier via hermetic outlet seals. This prevents overflow. It also prevents unwanted air entering the machine, which could split the fat globules and cause product foaming downstream.
Product discharge pump
The product leaves the clarifier through a rotating pump. The use of a pump - as opposed to the paring disc - makes it possible to run a wide range of capacities in the same machine without any mechanical alterations. It also increases energy efficiency.
Hermetic inlet seals
The product exits the Bactofuge unit via hermetic outlet seals. This prevents overflow and, in two phase machines, the unwanted mixing of the clean milk with the spore and bacteria enriched milk. It also prevents air entering the machine, which could split the fat globules and cause issues in downstream processes.
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