
For efficient production of pasta filata. An enclosed cheddaring machine to automatically drain, acidify and chip cheese curd



  • Effective whey drainage
  • Ensures consistent product quality
  • High hygiene and minimal fines losses
  • Eliminates pockets of whey
  • For smooth, economical operation
  • Catches the curd particles, maximizing yield


1.5 tons/hr to 9.2 tons/hr



Pasta filiata

cheddaring machine 2200 benefits
Tetra Pak® Cheddaring machine 2200 series

For efficient production of pasta filata

  • Every detail of the machine from first inlet screen to cutting is optimized to give a consistent end product.
  • Smart features like the whey screen and perforated draining belt ensure a high yield with minimal curd losses
  • Hygiene is ensured by features like pyramid shaped sumps and strategically located cleaning devices
Tetra Pak® Cheddaring machine 2200 series


First inlet screen

First inlet screen

Effective whey drainage

There are 9 litres of whey for every litre of curd. Made of stainless steel wedge wire, the inlet screen has gaps of just 0.25 mm between each wedge. This means a high proportion of the liquid can drain through the holes, but very few curd particles pass through.

Channel design

Channel design

Ensures consistent product quality

Baffle plates are strategically placed in the channel, generating turbulence in the mixture and ensuring the curds are evenly distributed across the width of the belt. This gives an even process throughout the mixture, and leads to a more consistent end product.

Draining belt with tapered perforations

Draining belt with tapered perforations

High hygiene and minimal fines losses

The draining belt has tapered slots through which the curd particles pass. Once they have passed through the narrowest point – the inlet - the curd particles can fall through the wider part of the hole easily, without the risk of clogging.

Draining boosting stirrer

Eliminates pockets of whey

If pockets of whey accumulate on top of the curd mat, they simply remain there, leading to an uneven moisture distribution. This stirrer eliminates this problem by breaking up the curd mat so the whey can drain off through the perforated belt.

Fish bone belt support

Fish bone belt support

For smooth, economical operation

The belt support has an open fish bone design which delivers a number of benefits. The most important one is that it reduces the level of friction between the belt and the support, so the belt can run smoothly without jumping. It gives an even wear across the belt, and does not leave black wear marks (that can occur when parallel support is used). Finally, it’s much easier to clean than a closed design since there are no CIP blind spots.


Second whey screen

Second whey screen

Catches the curd particles, maximizing yield

Any rogue curd particles that have not been caught by the first inlet screen, are caught in this, the second whey screen. All the whey that passes through the screen is immediately collected before it has had time to accumulate bacteria – so it can be categorized as ‘high-quality whey’.

Explore our range of draining, cheddaring & mellowing

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Tetra Pak® Draining Matting machine 2

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Tetra Pak Cheddaring machine 5

Tetra Pak® Cheddaring machine 5 - 4300 series

The Tetra Pak® Cheddaring 5 machine is designed for continuous production of fused and stirred Cheddar and pasta filata cheese types.

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