
The Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2 unit is designed to remove the whey and to wash and cool cottage cheese curd quickly and efficiently in one continuous operation.

The advantages of using the Tetra Pak Drainer Washer 2 unit compared with traditional systems are reduced water consumption, efficient washing, instant cooling and no curd damage.

  • Reduced investment; one Tetra Pak Drainer Washer​r will serve up to eight cottage cheese vats
  • Better yield; up to 5%
  • Reduced water consumption

drainer washer 2 benefits
Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2

The easy way to increase capacity

  • Reducing the workload of your vat, this unit provides a cost-effective way to increase line capacity
  • High yield due to design of whey drainage belt which retains curd particles
  • No curd damage – since there is no mechanical stirring
Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2


Draining belt

Draining belt

Improves yield

The draining belt is made of woven polypropylene with tiny holes between the fibres. This means all the water drains off efficiently, but even the smallest pieces of curd are retained. The speed of the belt can be varied to match the capacity of other equipment on the line.

Inlet design

Inlet design

Even curd distribution and efficient draining

The product inlet has a wide, kite-shaped steel plate. This design ensures that the whole width of the belt is used, and curd is distributed evenly across it. The depth of curd also remains stable.

Curd washing system

Curd washing system

Best effect with lowest water consumption

Nozzles positioned above the belt spray cold water on top of the curd to wash away the whey and lactic acid. The flow of the water is precisely regulated to optimize washing while minimizing water consumption. The water stream is also gentle enough to keep the delicate curd particles intact.

Two-step cooling

Two-step cooling

Rapid, yet gentle cooling of delicate product

The cooling process begins when cold water is sprayed on top of the curd belt - during whey draining. It continues when the drained curd reaches the end of the belt and falls into a small buffer tank filled with cold water. Our two-step cooling, process eliminates the need for mechanical mixing. The curd is gently stirred by the circulation of cold water in the buffer tank – keeping the delicate curd particles intact.

Water cooling unit

Water cooling unit

If your cooling process requires a specific water temperature, this additional module can be installed alongside the Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2.

Explore our range of draining, washing & blending

Tetra Pak Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

The Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2 is designed to ensure a gentle draining of washing- and cooling water from cottage cheese curd.

Tetra Pak Cooling Tower

Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower

The Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower is a unit for cottage cheese varieties that require extensive washing and cooling of curd

Tetra Pak Blender VCC

Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

The Tetra Pak® Blender VCC reduces product losses by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders and provides uniform distribution of particles, down to 25% of full capacity.

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