
Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S is designed to accept cooked and stretched pasta filata cheese and extrude it through a forming head. Consisting of a double walled heated jacket surrounding dual counter rotating augers, it provides a stable product temperature while producing a gentle extrusion pressure which reduces fat loss. With programmable heat settings and auger speeds, the Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S can be optimized for a variety of cheese make.


  • Single colour, one extruder: 680 kg/hour (1,500 lbs/hour)
  • Two colours, two extruders: 545 kg/hour (1,200 lbs/hour)


For production of string cheese and Oaxaca

extruder da s benefits
Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S

A compact dual auger extruder

  • Compact and hygienic open channel frame design
  • Adjustable heat settings and auger speeds
  • Optimized for string cheese and Oaxaca
Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S


Double-walled heated jacket

Double-walled heated jacket

Stable product temperature

The Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S consists of a double-walled heated jacket, surrounding dual counter rotating augers. This design secures a stable product temperature and a gentle extrusion process, which in turn reduces fat loss.

Programmable settings

Programmable settings

Cheesemaking flexibility

The Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S is optimized for production of Oaxaca and string cheese. However, with its programmable heat settings and auger speeds, it can be optimized for many different pasta filata recipes.

Open channel frame design

Open channel frame design

Small footprint

The machine is compact and features a hygienic open channel frame design for easy cleaning.

Intuitive touchscreen interface

Intuitive touchscreen interface

Easy operation

The operator panel’s touchscreen provides easy access to operating parameters.

Hot water circulation set

Hot water circulation set


Design allows for easy integration, commissioning, and line expansion.

Explore our string cheese making range

Tetra Pak String Cheese Cutter AC

Tetra Pak® String Cheese Cutter AC

Tetra Pak® String Cheese Cutter AC is designed for cooling and cutting extruded cheese ropes from our Tetra Pak® Cheese Extruder DA S.

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