Introduction - whole soya beverages

It’s time to reinvent soya beverages. Whole bean soya has huge potential for producers and consumers alike, and we have everything you need to produce this high-protein, high-fibre alternative to traditional soya products, from formulation and testing through to packaging and commercialisation. Welcome to a whole new world of soya.

Welcome to a whole new world of soya

It’s time to reinvent soya beverages. Whole bean soya has huge potential for producers and consumers alike, and we have everything you need to produce this high-protein, high-fibre alternative to traditional soya products, from formulation and testing through to packaging and commercialisation. Welcome to a whole new world of soya.

Welcome to a whole new world of soya

It’s time to reinvent soya beverages. Whole bean soya has huge potential for producers and consumers alike, and we have everything you need to produce this high-protein, high-fibre alternative to traditional soya products, from formulation and testing through to packaging and commercialisation. Welcome to a whole new world of soya.

Processing lines for soya

Best-practice line for whole bean soya beverages

A complete proven technical solution for whole bean soya beverages, the line includes whole soya extraction (grinding, trypsin inhibitor deactivation and fine grinding) and different process configurations (grinding, enzyme deactivation, fine grinding or grinding, enzyme deactivation, fibre separation, and okara fine grinding) to allow either complete or partial utilisation of okara. Post-extraction treatments create multiple different product formulations and optimises their properties.

Learn more about the best-practice line for whole bean soya beverages⁠

Best-practice line for traditional extracted soya beverages

This line is designed for the production of soya beverages extracted from soya beans and includes extraction (grinding, trypsin inhibitor deactivation, and fibre separation) and processing, while the application of different process configurations (grinding, fibre separation, enzyme deactivation or grinding, enzyme deactivation, fibre separation) and parameters (beany to low beany) allows flexibility to match your consumers’ requirements. Post-extraction treatment in terms of powerful high-shear mixing helps create multiple product formulations from the soya base.

Learn more about the best-practice line for traditional extracted soya beverages

Production expertise

Girl with soya beverage

Quick guide to whole soya production

Whole bean soya could reinvent soya beverages and open up new opportunities for producers. But production quality and commercialisation aren’t easy to get right. Learn how and more with our quick guide to whole soya production.

Soya line

Whole soya and how to produce it.

As a new category, whole soya differ from traditional or regular soya beverages in several ways. But what are their properties and characteristics? What equipment is required? What is the best production process, and what are the main challenges involved? Find the answers to these questions and more in our Frequently Asked Questions.

Man looking in microscope

Challenges and solutions in whole soya production

When producing full-fibre, whole soya beverages from the whole bean, it’s crucial to adjust all the parameters and set up the process correctly to achieve the desired end product. So what are the challenges involved in producing whole soya, and how do you solve them?

What is quality in whole bean soya beverage?

Many have tried and failed. So, what’s the secret to achieving the right flavour, mouthfeel, viscosity, stability and nutritional value when producing whole soya bean beverages? Our new white paper explains the processing factors required to get all these elements just right.

What is quality in whole bean soya beverage?

Many have tried and failed. So, what’s the secret to achieving the right flavour, mouthfeel, viscosity, stability and nutritional value when producing whole soya bean beverages? Our new white paper explains the processing factors required to get all these elements just right.

A bean full of potential

Bowl with soya beverage and soya beans on table

Resource efficient benefits of whole soya vs. traditional soya

Whole soya beverages don’t just have taste and nutritional benefits compared to traditional extracted soya – they have numerous benefits for producers too. Download our infographic to discover what they are.

Bowl with okara

Everything you need to know about okara

A by-product of traditional extracted soya production, okara has long been a headache for soya product producers, being costly and time-consuming to dispose of. But what exactly is okara, what are its properties, and could whole bean soya products be the solution that producers have been looking for?

Soya beans

A crash course in the soya bean

The soya bean sure has stood the test of time – from traditional foods such as tofu to a key ingredient in innovative product concepts, like whole soya. So what’s behind its success story? Learn about it and much more in this article.

End-to-End Solutions for soya beverages

Whole some soya beverages in Tetra Stelo Aseptic carton packages

Take steps towards circularity

Less food waste and lower water consumption make whole soya more resource efficient than traditionally extracted soya. Utilizing the whole bean also creates a stronger natural identity. There are packaging solutions that reflect these benefits. These can help reduce the carbon footprint of your portfolio, while also responding to consumers’ growing expectations for sustainable consumption.

Two men inspecting a carton, icon soy beverage

3 reasons to choose our end-to-end solutions for whole bean soya

Our end-to-end whole bean soya solutions go far beyond the factory floor – we offer so much more than just processing solutions. Over 40 years of expertise and in-depth knowledge in soya has made us a trusted advisor and partner for food and beverage manufacturers looking to expand into whole soya.

How to make the perfect soya product

Tetra Pak® Soya Extraction Unit gives you all the flavour flexibility you need, plus high-capacity production and consistent, high-quality results with cost savings all the way.

Watch the video to find out more.

How to make the perfect soya product

Tetra Pak® Soya Extraction Unit gives you all the flavour flexibility you need, plus high-capacity production and consistent, high-quality results with cost savings all the way.

Watch the video to find out more.

Rethinking resources

Food and beverage producers face growing challenges in energy, water, and waste management. Addressing them requires a combination of technology and food expertise, tailored to your operations. Our comprehensive portfolio of products and services, backed by decades of experience in food applications, can help you reduce your energy, water, and waste while simultaneously delivering cost benefits.

Other plant-based beverage categories

Dig deeper into the details about our end-to-end offer in the category you operate in. 

Oat drink and carton

Oat – the old favourite

Oat – the old favourite

Consumers all over the world enjoy drinking oat beverages on a wide range of occasions. And they will continue to do so.

Spent grain, spent grain beverage

Spent grain – upcycled gem

Spent grain – upcycled gem

This brewing side-stream rich in fibre and protein was traditionally wasted. Now it is used as a valuable liquid ingredient.

Bowl, carton with plant-based yoghurt

Yoghurt-style products

Yoghurt-style products

A growing number of consumers are turning to plant-based products as an environmentally favourable option. Yoghurt-style products can be made from oats, almonds, coconuts or soybeans.

Peas and pea drink

Pea – the perfect newbie

Pea – the perfect newbie

Thanks to their high protein content, pea-based products are currently gaining in popularity. We’re conducting experiments to deepen our understanding of, for example, how temperature and processing times affect protein content.

Rice, rice drink

Rice – challenging but nice

Rice – challenging but nice

Rice is an inexpensive and widely available ingredient, but its high starch content can make rice-drinks challenging to produce. Take advantage of our application knowledge and advanced processing equipment to achieve the best results.

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