
The Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer is an innovative and advanced, highly automated piece of equipment used for blending cheese curd with additives in crumbled cheese production lines. Such lines may include filling machines, pasteurizers, vats, drainers, tanks, etc.

The vertical design and smart features ensure efficient blending for a high quality homogenous cheese/additives blend. The additives may include dressings, flavours such as spices, herbs and fruit pieces. They are easily and efficiently mixed with the cheese curd.


Quick facts

A unit for storing and blending crumbled tvarog cheese with additives



1800 kg



Crumbled tvarog cheese, crumbled fresh cheese varieties

crumbled cheese buffering benefits
Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer

Small batches for product diversity

  • Increase flexibility level of your production line. Produce different flavoured products even from a single curd batch.
  • Handle viscous products efficiently. Thanks to vertical design, dedicated agitators design and directly connected outlet pump
  • Keep food safe. Cooling jacket is keeping your product at low temperature anytime.
Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer


Integrated loadcells

Integrated loadcells

Automatic handling of multiple recipes

The buffer is mounted on load cells which automatically weigh how much cheese it contains and calculate the quantity of added ingredients needed for a given pre-set recipe. Some ingredients such as cream, can be added automatically. Others, such as sugar, require manual dosing. Information about manual dosing is shown on the operator panel so the operator knows exactly what to add and when. This feature makes it easy to run multiple recipes on a single unit – no additional calculations needed.

Multi-agitator design

Multi-agitator design

Homogenous mixture; low product waste

Two agitators stir product inside the buffer. First the scraping agitator moves product away from the walls and into the middle of the buffer, thereby minimizing product residue on its inner wall. Second, agitators in the centre of the unit stir the product to ensure a homogenous mixture. All the agitators are driven by frequency convertors, which makes it possible to control their speed and direction - and match the needs of different products.

Outlet pump

Outlet pump

Optimized emptying, even of viscous products

Product is emptied from the unit, via a screw pump mounted directly at its base. The absence of piping means even viscous products can be easily emptied, leaving very little product residue in the buffer.

Vertical principle

Vertical principle

Reduced product losses

When emptying, product exits the blender at the lowest point, naturally assisted by gravity and by the vessel’s conical design. The scraper moves product away from the walls towards the centre of the vessel, while the agitator pushes product downwards. These features combine to minimize product losses.

Cooling jacket

Cooling jacket

Keep food safe

The buffer is equipped with a jacket for circulation of cooling water. In combination with low speed agitating the low product temperature can be maintained in the buffer for any period. This allows you to secure product quality in any production scenarios, including unforeseen downstream equipment stoppage.

Integrated loadcells

Integrated loadcells

Automatic handling of multiple recipes

The buffer is mounted on load cells which automatically weigh how much cheese it contains and calculate the quantity of added ingredients needed for a given pre-set recipe. Some ingredients such as cream, can be added automatically. Others, such as sugar, require manual dosing. Information about manual dosing is shown on the operator panel so the operator knows exactly what to add and when. This feature makes it easy to run multiple recipes on a single unit – no additional calculations needed.

Explore our range of curd blending & buffering

Tetra Pak Blender VCC

Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

The Tetra Pak® Blender VCC reduces product losses by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders and provides uniform distribution of particles, down to 25% of full capacity.

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