Recover and reuse water

Using filtration, excess water from processes such as milk concentration for milk powder or fruit concentration for foods and beverages can be treated to a quality that allows it to be reused in food processes.

Flush water, sometimes known as white water, can be purified by filtration for reuse in the process – either for cleaning or in the product itself. Solids from this water, such as milk or juice, can also be separated by filtration for reprocessing, where practicable.

Similarly, chemicals from water used for cleaning in place can be separated from flush water and reused, allowing the purified water to be recycled in the process.

Recover and reuse water

Using filtration, excess water from processes such as milk concentration for milk powder or fruit concentration for foods and beverages can be treated to a quality that allows it to be reused in food processes.

Flush water, sometimes known as white water, can be purified by filtration for reuse in the process – either for cleaning or in the product itself. Solids from this water, such as milk or juice, can also be separated by filtration for reprocessing, where practicable.

Similarly, chemicals from water used for cleaning in place can be separated from flush water and reused, allowing the purified water to be recycled in the process.


Lower costs, more profit

Membrane filtration recovers and reuses water in evaporation, liquid concentration, cleaning in place and other processes, saving a precious resource and reducing operating costs.

Use water more sustainably

Membrane filtration supports a more sustainable approach to water and chemical use in food processing. It minimizes chemical usage, reduces waste and enhances operational efficiency.

Optimize water management

We offer an assessment to help you become more sustainable in water resource use. An assessment consists of:

  • A feasibility study to evaluate potential improvements
  • An evaluation of existing practices and production setup
  • Support on alignment with local legislation
  • Suggestions for improvements
  • Reporting


Bubbly milk with 1/3 on top

Process water recovery

Lower costs through reuse

Purifying flush water, or white water as it is also known, by reverse osmosis filtration instead of sending it to drain can save vast quantities of water. It can also generate impressive financial savings. In dairy production, about a third of white water is milk. Reverse osmosis filtration recovers valuable milk solids that can be treated for further use while simultaneously generating a pure water source that can be reused. Depending on local regulations, recovered milk solids can be used in the production of cheese, ice cream and yoghurt and other fermented products. Our filtration specialists are experts at helping dairies and food manufacturers to optimize their processes for product and water recovery.
Water splash with recycle symbol

Condensate water recovery in evaporation

Large savings possible

Reverse osmosis can recover condensate water from an evaporator and make it potable for reuse. By removing impurities from the condensate, the reverse osmosis unit creates a new source of water that can be used in multiple ways instead of being sent to drain. Depending on the water quality level desired, the water recovered and treated in this way can be used for rinsing, CIP, irrigation, or even as freshwater in the production process. It is possible to save large volumes of water in this way – and to reduce operating costs substantially.
Splashing water

Lower lye consumption

Recovery of cleaning chemicals

The cleaning of processing equipment requires large volumes of caustic soda/lye. At the end of a cleaning cycle, the lye contains dissolved and suspended matter that renders it unsuitable for direct use in a new cleaning sequence. All too often, spent lye is sent for waste. A more sustainable alternative involves purifying it for reuse using reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. First, the water passes through the reverse osmosis membrane as permeate and can then be used again in the cleaning process. The lye, separated as retentate, can then be purified using nanofiltration and also reused in the cleaning process. Typically, a reverse osmosis and nanofiltration setup allows 70 to 90 percent of spent lye to be recovered and reused.

Standardization of ingredient water

Controlling quality

Beverage manufacturers often have specifications for water quality in the finished product in terms, for example, of mineral content. Membrane filtration systems can selectively remove or retain certain components, enabling water to be standardized to a specific quality and composition prior to use as a recipe ingredient. Reverse osmosis can remove a wide range of impurities, resulting in highly purified water that meets strict quality standards. It is widely used when exceptionally pure water is required.


Reverse Osmosis unit from Tetra Pak

Highest purification standard

Reverse osmosis

Using the finest possible membranes, reverse osmosis filtration essentially allows water only to pass. All other liquid or suspended components, including bacteria, fats, proteins, sugars and minerals, are filtered out as retentate. This high level of purification allows the water permeate to be reused in multiple production processes – from product processing to cleaning in place.
Nanofiltration unit from Tetra Pak

Ion and mineral removal


Nanofiltration removes or recovers water and also separates monovalent ions, thus demineralizing a product. It plays a key role in purifying spent caustic soda from cleaning-in-place, enabling large volumes of the chemical to be reused rather than sent to waste.

Relevant equipment

Membrane types

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Membrane types and applications​

The heart in any membrane filtration process is the membrane itself, and choosing the best membrane for a given process is often a complex task.

Man using membrane installation tool

Membrane tools

We offer a number of handy and easy-to-use systems and tools for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of your filtration system.

Multi pilot plant spiral wound 60 bar

Rental pilot plants

We offer different types of easy-to-use pilot plants for rental. All the various dairy filtration pro­cesses can be tested by means of our different types.

Insights and cases

Factory Sustainable Solutions

Looking to optimise your factory’s utility consumption? Discover a holistic approach to water and energy that helps you get the most out of every kilowatt and every litre.

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