Plant-based beverages appeal to producers and consumers for a variety of reasons. But whatever those might be, it ultimately comes down to a conviction that plants do us good. To respond to consumers’ growing recognition of plant-based benefits, why not bring the power of plants into the package as well?

We believe that every plant-based beverage deserves a package that boosts its plant-based identity. We also think you should be able to put together just the right one from different solutions. Therefore, our packages come with a great deal of flexibility so you can provide the best plant-based experiences to consumers.

Packages showing the potential of plants

Podium fava beans packaging design tetra brik aseptic 1000 Edge

Tetra Brik® Aseptic 1000 Edge

Responsibly sourced plant-based materials make up 80% of this package. Plant-based polymers for layers and openings such as LightCap™ 30 and Tetra Pak® Craft helped make this the first aseptic package certified for its use of renewable materials. Find the right combination of features to match each one of your plant-based beverages for ambient distribution.

Pistachio drink tetra prisma on green background

Tetra Prisma® Aseptic

A growing share of consumers turn to plant-based beverages while on the go to become energised or have a break. If you are developing beverages tapping into the trend, here is your ideal package. The polymers used for caps and the outer protective layer is derived from sugarcane, whereas the paperboard comes from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources. These materials help create an even stronger plant-based identity for your beverage.

Almond drink packaging tetra rex plant-based stacked bowls with nuts

Tetra Rex® Plant-based

The package for all your chilled plant-based beverages. The polymers used for caps and the outer protective layer is derived from sugarcane, whereas the paperboard comes from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources.

Packaging features

Craft package on green brown cardboard with soybeans

A true plant-look

Plant-based beverages' natural and clean appeal is behind much of their growing popularity. With Tetra Pak® Craft, you communicate that your product is about plants and nothing else.

Artistic illustration, transparent package

Towards the world’s most sustainable food package

Towards the world’s most sustainable food package Follow our approach to delivering the world’s most sustainable food package – fully made of responsibly sourced renewable or recycled materials, fully recyclable and carbon-neutral1.

Transparent carton package

Ambient distribution going plant-based

Our aseptic packaging solutions use an aluminium barrier layer to keep food safe, preserve its properties, and allow for ambient distribution without refrigeration. As a major breakthrough on our journey toward an aseptic package solely made from responsibly sourced renewable and recyclable materials, we are developing a fibre-based barrier to replace aluminium. The exclusive use of plant-based materials for aseptic purposes will be unprecedented in the packaging industry.

Oat based drink and tethered cap on carton package

Caps that get to the bin

Equip your plant-based beverage with caps made from renewable polymers derived from sugarcane which do not separate from the rest of the package once opened.

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This means creating cartons that are fully made of renewable or recycled materials, that are responsibly sourced, therefore helping protect and restore our planet's climate, resources and biodiversity; contributing towards carbon-neutral production and distribution; are convenient and safe, therefore helping to enable a resilient food system; are fully recyclable.