At Tetra Pak, we require our suppliers to uphold the standards outlined in the Tetra Pak Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers (the Supplier Code), consisting of 15 key principles. The Supplier Code is a mandatory part of every supplier agreement, and new suppliers must formally endorse it before engaging in business with us. Maintaining this commitment is essential throughout our relationship.
We also encourage suppliers to strive for continuous improvement by advancing their sustainability efforts and aligning with global best practices.
The Supplier Code is built on 15 fundamental principles, each with a set of specific criteria. These principles are interconnected and interdependent, meaning suppliers must consider them as a whole to fully meet the requirements.
The criteria are divided into two categories:
Must (M) criteria – Mandatory requirements that suppliers must comply with to conduct business with Tetra Pak
Good Practice (GP) criteria – Recommended practices that we encourage suppliers to work towards implementing
Additionally, Tetra Pak sets specific sourcing standards for materials with significant risks to people and the environment, such as liquid packaging board1 and renewable polymers2.
The criteria in the Supplier Code are based on internationally acknowledged standards and principles, as well as the Tetra Laval Group Code of Business Conduct. We uphold all internationally recognised human rights and align with relevant industry standards to ensure responsible business practices.
For a high-level overview, please watch this video.
The criteria in the Supplier Code are based on internationally acknowledged standards and principles, as well as the Tetra Laval Group Code of Business Conduct. We uphold all internationally recognised human rights and align with relevant industry standards to ensure responsible business practices.
For a high-level overview, please watch this video.
Tetra Pak Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers
The official language of the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers is English. We encourage suppliers to thoroughly understand and adhere to the Code. Should there be any questions or need for clarification regarding the English version, suppliers are advised to seek assistance to ensure complete understanding and compliance. Commitment to the Code is essential, irrespective of the document's language. A list of translations to local languages will be available in due time.
1Tetra Pak ensures that wood fibre in the paperboard shall not originate from areas where there has been deforestation after 31 December 2020. Deforestation-free areas are areas where there has been no loss of natural forest because of i) conversion to agriculture or other non-forest land use; ii) conversion to a tree plantation; or iii) severe and sustained degradation.
Source: Tetra Pak Responsible Sourcing of Liquid Packaging Board Procedure
2In 2022 we published a Procedure for responsible sourcing of renewable polymers, outlining our requirements specifically applicable to renewable polymers sourcing. We expect all suppliers of renewable polymers to comply with the procedure, and the commitments for sustainable sourcing of renewable polymers as stated.
Source: Tetra Pak Responsible Sourcing of Renewable Polymers Procedure