A strategic priority

As a signatory of the UN Global Compact and in our support of Sustainable Development Goal 12, we work with stakeholders to drive continuous improvement in the areas of human rights, labour standards and environment, and to act against corruption. 

Responsible sourcing is a strategic objective for our procurement organisation. This means that it is incorporated into key performance and individual objectives across all our regions and has an assurance system integrated into our Corporate Governance Framework. 

Our expectations

At Tetra Pak, we require our suppliers to uphold the standards outlined in our Tetra Pak Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers (the Supplier Code), which is built on 15 fundamental principles. The Supplier Code is a mandatory part of every supplier agreement, and all new suppliers must formally endorse it before engaging in business with us. Maintaining this commitment is essential throughout our relationship. The Supplier Code is a key element of our human rights and environmental due diligence efforts, reinforcing our shared responsibility.

Responsible sourcing assurance

To verify the compliance to requirements contained in our Supplier Code, we select relevant suppliers each year to perform the on-site Sedex SMETA audit. Additionally, we also use EcoVadis assessment to assess and improve sustainability maturity of our supplier base. We also encourage all suppliers to continuously improve by advancing their sustainability efforts and aligning with global best practices. Integrity is at the core of Tetra Pak’s business. Our promise is to protect what’s good – food, people, and the planet. Our suppliers play a vital role in achieving this, and we are committed to working collaboratively to help ensure responsible practices.

Assurance system

We have put in place a Responsible Sourcing Assurance System that enables us to evaluate compliance with our Supplier Code. On a rolling basis, prioritised suppliers are requested to perform self-assessments and on-site audits, and implement corrective actions in case of any material findings. Non-compliance may result in terminating the relationship with a supplier.


We have an e-learning module on responsible sourcing for all employees involved in procurement. We have also established a Forum of Expertise comprising central and local supplier management representatives to ensure that responsible sourcing is integrated into day-to-day activities. The forum also secures that specific categories and local requirements are considered in our global strategy.

Responsibly sourced materials

Society relies on materials from finite resources or materials produced using fossil fuels that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and negatively impact nature. When materials are not sourced responsibly, it can contribute to deforestation, pollution, soil erosion and other environmental issues, contributing to the climate crisis. That’s why it’s essential we manage resource use responsibly and take ethics, labour rights, and social and environmental issues into consideration when sourcing raw materials and services worldwide.


Our products rely on raw materials from forests, farmlands, mining areas and more. And consuming these resources comes with responsibility. Our responsible sourcing practices – such as sourcing materials from sustainably managed forests2 or suppliers of recycled materials – are embedded in our company strategy and implemented across our supply chain.

Plant sourcing

Read more about our materials

The view of a forest


Our paper-based carton packages come with plant based polymer layers, caps, closures and straws. When responsibly sourced, plant-based polymers are a renewable material.

A tree seen from frog perspective


On average, the paperboard content of our beverage cartons is more than 70%. When responsibly sourced, paperboard is a renewable resource that can, result in a lower carbon footprint than glass, plastic or metal packages.

close-up of an aluminum roll


Aluminium foil layer thinner than human hair prevents oxidation and light damage, helping to reduce food waste by extending the shelf-life of food without refrigeration.

Certified renewable materials

When sourcing renewable materials, we use voluntary certification standards such as the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™)3 and Bonsucro. All our suppliers, and our facilities, are certified with FSC™ Chain of Custody certification, and all the paperboard in our packages comes from FSC™ certified forests and other controlled sources.4


All our plant-based polymers made from sugarcane – used in plastic layers and caps in our packages - have now reached 100% Bonsucro-certified volumes.

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1By positive impact, we mean driving better outcomes for our workforce, workers and communities in our supply chain, workers in collection and recycling and people in our value chain affected by climate change and the transition to net-zero in the areas of labour, discrimination, hazardous working conditions and sustainable income, among others.

2For Tetra Pak, the key areas of attention for sustainable forest management are a) economic viability including the maintenance of a sustained yield of timber and non-timber products and services; b) social responsibility including respect for human rights including the rights of workers, indigenous peoples, and local communities. This includes adherence to the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent when activities affect indigenous and local communities; c) environmental sustainability including no deforestation, maintaining the ecological functions of the forests, maintaining High Conservation Values (HCV) and conserving biodiversity.

3The FSC license code for Tetra Pak is FSC™ C014047. 

4Controlled sources are FSC-controlled wood. This wood originates from low-risk sources which exclude illegally harvested wood, wood harvested in violation of traditional and human rights, wood harvested in forests in which high conservation values are threatened by management activities, wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use and wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted. Controlled wood can make up a maximum of 30% of FSC MIX-certified wood fibre. More information: https://fsc.org/en/fsc-mix-label-and-controlled-wood.