Expertise transformed into ​solutions with our best-practice lines for semi-hard cheese

The semi-hard cheese family includes well-known varieties such as Gouda, Edam and Maasdam. When making semi-hard cheese, the first step is to prepare curd and whey in a cheese vat. Then the whey is separated from the curd, and the curd is formed into its final cheese shape. The cheese is salted in a brine bath and after ripening, it is ready for consumption.​​

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Configuration options for semi-hard cheese lines

With our expertise in cheese, we tailor our complete line solutions to your operations – return on investment is guaranteed. The best-practice lines for semi-hard cheese are available in various configurations. Our efficiency lines give you excellent cheese and whey quality in the most productive way. In addition to being efficient, the flexibility lines let you easily switch between different cheese types and formats

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Expertise you can rely on

As a partner that understands your challenges, we find the best solution for your plant, environment and targets. We utilise cutting-edge digital tools, and every machine in our lines is made by Tetra Pak. This ensures seamless compatibility, easy operation and perfection in every detail.

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Return On Investment – guaranteed

With line performance guarantees on running time, product losses and end-product quality, you always get the performance you count on. Consistent and repeatable production, and lines designed for uncompromising food safety.

Efficiency line for semi hard cheese - high capacity

Quality and performance, guaranteed

The best-practice efficiency line for semi-hard cheese is designed to secure profitable and sustainable production of semi-hard cheese in Euroblock format. The high capacity (100 tons per day) line is focused on whey quality, and built upon our customer-centered expertise. The solution is always optimized for every customer-s unique processes and conditions. Optimised production. The efficiency lines are designed to produce semi-hard cheese in Euroblock format. The lines can be configured for various production capacities. High capacity lines include the Tetra Pak® Whey Tray system. The system saves both energy and water, and lets you use all whey for high-end purposes such as baby food.

Efficiency line for semi hard cheese - medium capacity

Quality and performance, guaranteed

The best-practice efficiency line for semi-hard cheese is designed to secure profitable and sustainable production of semi-hard cheese in Euroblock format. The medium capacity (50 tons per day) line is built upon our customer-centered expertise and experience. The solution is always optimized for every customer-s unique processes and conditions.

Flexibility line for semi hard cheese - medium capacity

Quality and performance, guaranteed

The best-practice flexibility lines for semi-hard cheese is designed to cover various cheese formats on the same line. Thanks to the Tetra Pak® Casomatic multi-column system, switching between cheese types is easy. The solution is also efficient and always optimized for every customer's unique processes and conditions. For different cheese types and formats. This flexible line configuration is perfect for wider cheese portfolios. It lets you easily change between different cheese formats and types on the same line. The flexibility doesn’t mean you have to make compromises on product quality. Expect nothing short of highly reliable, consistent cheese weight and moisture accuracy.


Controlling costs in cheese production

Milk as raw material is the main cost driver in semi-hard cheese production. With margins under constant pressure – how can producers control costs and address their profitability challenges?

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