Line for spent grain

Get consistent product quality and optimal cost-efficiency with the best-practice line for spent grain. The line covers covers grinding, highly controlled enzyme treatment and deactivation, powerful high shear mixing, heat treatment and homogenisation.

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More lines for plant-based products

Oat drink in glass

Best-practice lines for oat beverages

Oats have surpassed other raw materials to become a dominant plant-based beverage ingredient. View our lines for oat flour, oat concentrate or grain/flakes

Soya beverage in glass

Best-practice line for soya beverages

Whole bean soya has huge potential for food producers. Maximise it with our integrated production lines and expertise on the soya market, recipes and production

Woman eating yoghurt

Best-practice line for plant based yoghurt style products

Fermented plant-based products offer many opportunities, but producing them is tricky. Let our processing lines speed your journey into this booming market

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