
Tetra Pak® Draining Matting machine 2 is custom designed to meet the specific requirements of your individual plant. This enclosed, continuous, automated machine for production of granular or matted curd cheese includes custom designed features that enable you to pre-salt the curd when making low moisture cheese; or wash the curd at several possible locations when making higher moisture cheese.

The Tetra Pak Draining Matting machine 2 is the industry's most versatile curd conveyor offering the flexibility to vary your make from matted to granular curd.

For production of Colby or Monterey Jack cheeses, the machine has optional curd washing devices, which can be configured according to need. 

Note: The Tetra Pak Draining Matting machine 2​ is only available on the US market.

draining matting machine benefits
Tetra Pak® Draining Matting machine 2

High durability, high yield

  • Handles curd gently, minimizing fat and fines loss, and maximizing yield
  • Flexibility to produce all recipes
  • Proven durability, based on decades of engineering experience
Tetra Pak® Draining Matting machine 2


Tipping weirs

Minimizes losses of fat and fines

Curd is fed gently from the in-feed header system, via two inlets, into the tipping weir. From there, it flows evenly across the full width of the screen. This gentle process and even distribution contribute to minimizing losses of fat and fines. The weir can be programmed to empty periodically, ensuring that curd is completely cleared at user-specified intervals.

Fines-reduction belt

Fines-reduction belt

Reduces losses, maintenance and facilitates cleaning

The machine’s self-tensioning, self-tracking belt consists of a series of moulded polypropylene sections that are linked together with plastic pins. The flat rigid surface of the belt allows for agitation of the cheese, while generating minimal fines. The polypropylene material prevents curd from sticking to the belt surface, and enables fast and easy cleaning.

Wedge wire screen

Wedge wire screen

Highly efficient whey removal

The wires on this screen have a specially designed triangular cross-section, which removes the maximum amount of whey, while allowing the curd to pass. It separates the whey so efficiently that the curd is almost fully de-wheyed before reaching the bottom of the screen.

CIP isolation

Maximize production with shorter cleaning time

To maximize production during CIP, the machine can be configured with a CIP isolation device, allowing production to continue on the lower belt while washing the upper belt.

Explore our range of draining, cheddaring & mellowing

Tetra Pak Cheddaring machine 5

Tetra Pak® Cheddaring machine 5 - 4300 series

The Tetra Pak® Cheddaring 5 machine is designed for continuous production of fused and stirred Cheddar and pasta filata cheese types.

Tetra Pak Cheddaring machine 2200 series

Tetra Pak® Cheddaring machine 2200

A cheddaring machine for efficient production of pasta filata cheese. The machine is enclosed to automatically drain, acidify and chip cheese curd

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