
The open-frame Tetra Pak® Ice Cream Sandwich unit A1 offers efficient, precise and repeatable production of high-quality ice cream sandwiches. With its hygienic design, it meets all sanitary requirements. The servo drives ensures high production output and the limited mechanical linkage enables easy maintenance. It is also a solution with low environmental impact – paper wrapping is environmentally superior to plastic or foil flow wrap, and the envelope wrap uses less paper-based packaging material than flow wrap.

Quick facts

For production of rectangular ice cream sandwiches wrapped in a fold-wrap style packaging.


Depending on wafer quality, up to 200 products/minute (12 000 products/hour).

ice cream sandwich unit benefits
Tetra Pak® Ice Cream Sandwich unit A1

First-rate hygiene meets top-tier capacity

  • Easy to clean and best-in-class hygiene for optimal food safety
  • High and exact production output
  • Limited mechanical linkage ensures minimal need for maintenance
Tetra Pak® Ice Cream Sandwich unit A1


Biscuit/wafer dispenser

Servo driven and adjustable

The manually loaded wafers slide into the wafer dispenser through an adjustable guiding. The servo-controlled motion pushes them securely into the pockets of the star wheel.



Easy to remove and change

The static nozzle is mounted above the star wheel pockets. It can be finely adjusted for perfect ice cream cutting by the edge of the wafer. No additional ice cream cutter is needed.

Servo drives

Servo drives

Easy to adjust and maintain

The individual stainless steel direct servo drives reduce the number of mechanical linkages and the maintenance need for these parts. Less lubrication is needed due to lubrication free bushings. The limited number of parts results in fast cleaning and secures food safety.

Timing of the servo can be controlled and adjusted via the program on the HMI screen. There is no need to change the mechanical setup.

Safety door and shields

Safety door and shields

Highest level of operator safety

Perforated sheet metal guard in a drainable design allows an easy inspection of the process while protecting the operator from fast moving parts and pinch points. Main production area is covered by a sliding door (safety switch controlled and interlocked) that can easily be opened for full access. All guards are easy to remove for cleaning and maintenance.

Wrapping box and dual zone heat sealing

Even wrapping with different materials

A product specific wrapping box for an even folding of the wrap. All motions are servo driven for accurate timing and interaction of elevation, site tucker for bottom fold and product pusher. The dual zone heat sealing can be adjusted to different, high-demand wrap materials such as poly film.

Biscuit/wafer dispenser

Servo driven and adjustable

The manually loaded wafers slide into the wafer dispenser through an adjustable guiding. The servo-controlled motion pushes them securely into the pockets of the star wheel.


Multi flavour / ripple nozzles

Multi flavour / ripple nozzles

Product diversity

Products like 2-flavour side-by-side, 3-flavour Neapolitan or ripple injection can be unique features for differentiation from other products on the market.

Cleaning spray nozzle

Cleaning spray nozzle

Clean machine, easy start-up

A water-spray nozzle can be added to clean the star wheel and conveyor during start-up and production.

Static ice cream mixer

Static ice cream mixer

Innovative, diverse products

Different ice cream flavours can be mixed together to create multi-flavour products with a marbled or semi-sorted pattern.

Multi flavour / ripple nozzles

Multi flavour / ripple nozzles

Product diversity

Products like 2-flavour side-by-side, 3-flavour Neapolitan or ripple injection can be unique features for differentiation from other products on the market.

Explore our extrusion range

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tetra Pak Extrusion Tunnel A3

Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel A3

Tray tunnel system for ice cream extrusion; shaping, filling, decorating and hardening of ice cream products.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tetra Pak Extrusion Tunnel M3

Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel M3 - ice cream products

The Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel M3 is a tray tunnel system for the extrusion, shaping, filling, decorating and hardening of ice cream.

Tetra Pak Extrusion Tunnel M1.3

Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel M1.3

Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel M1.3 is a tray tunnel system for the extrusion, shaping, filling and hardening of ice cream cones.

Cow, tanks, man and woman eating ice cream

Ice cream production and manufacturing

We serve as your one-stop shop for ice cream production, providing all the expertise and equipment you need to make fast-changing market demands.

Tray with ice cream prototypes

Product Development Centre, Ice Cream Solutions

At the Ice cream Product Development Centre in Aarhus you can experiment with the latest processing solutions for ice cream and try new flavours, shapes, styles

Ice cream ingredients

Recipe and ingredients supply for ice cream

Tetra Pak Ingredients is a one-stop shop for a wide variety of products for ice cream processing and packaging including product ideas and recipe formulation.

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