Save up to 30% more space

Tetra Recart® has a space-saving rectangular design that’s the perfect fit for your business. You can display up to 30% more products on-shelf, compared to other packaging options.
Save up to 30% more space

Easily transportable
(get trucks off the road)

With up to 20% better truck fill, compared to cans, Tetra Recart® packages are extremely efficient to transport. And, when unfilled, their smart rectangular shape and light weight allows you to fit 6 to 10 times more empty Tetra Recart cartons on a single truck compared to cans.
 Easily transportable (get trucks off the road)

Manual labour cost-savings

Our innovative, end-to-end processes help you reduce operational costs because our machines are so easy to operate. Since our machines require fewer manual steps, you can save manpower costs (when compared with can filling). After production start-up, operators are free to perform other tasks and add more value to the business in other ways.
New opportunities to stand out on the shelf

New opportunities to stand out on the shelf

Imagine packaging that is so effective at advertising, it creates a wall of product power in the supermarket.

Tetra Recart® packaging saves up to 60% shelf space (compared with pouched) and looks great – from a promotions and overall brand effect – creating an eye-catching billboard effect when packages are put together on the shelf. The flat surface also allows for improved design options, compared with cans.

Revitalise your brand image and create a unique product concept with an environmentally trustworthy angle.

New opportunities to stand out on the shelf

Learn about the latest food consumer trends

Find out why it’s now more important than ever to use innovative packaging styles to get great food to consumers in a way that they want to use it. It’s all about meeting the needs of health-conscious consumers who also want convenience, at the same time. Sign up to download this infographic and see if you’re ready to meet consumer demands.


With the rapid growth of the online grocery market, it’s the right time to seize the opportunity to take your business online. Tetra Recart® packages are compact, stable, more stackable than pouches and perfectly designed for ecommerce.

They are also space-saving and much lighter than tin cans or glass jars. This means you can greatly enhance your transportation and logistics efficiency (it’s easily transportable) and discover new business opportunities.
