Innovative and convenient solutions

Tetra Recart® lets you unlock the potential of modern packaging innovations, opening your business up to a new world of opportunities

Innovative and convenient solutions

Tetra Recart® lets you unlock the potential of modern packaging innovations, opening your business up to a new world of opportunities

How we can help

From the moment you have a new product idea to the day your product appears on the shelf, Tetra Pak is there, at every step to help make this happen. Our Food Technology Specialists and process experts will happily share their knowledge at every stage of the process. Find out more by viewing this infographic.

Build your brand value with Tetra Recart®

Make the right choice for our future while building your brand value with Tetra Recart® packages. Lightweight and trusted by consumers: find out why the world’s first retortable carton for shelf-stable products is the right choice for your brand’s future.

Packed with innovation

Sustainable packaging is the way of the future. Watch this video to find out how Tetra Recart® is made from 70% renewable materials, while withstanding heat treatment in a high pressure environment.

See the secrets of how we keep all the goodness inside safe and make packages shelf-stable, while providing optimal taste and texture.

Packed with innovation

Sustainable packaging is the way of the future. Watch this video to find out how Tetra Recart® is made from 70% renewable materials, while withstanding heat treatment in a high pressure environment.

See the secrets of how we keep all the goodness inside safe and make packages shelf-stable, while providing optimal taste and texture.

Case study: A saucy solution

If you’re thinking about what goes inside Tetra Recart® here’s just another way we can help. Assan foods is making sauces which include particle ingredients and has used just one of Tetra Pak’s many product solutions. Find out how they were able to improve production capacity at lower costs by reading the case study

Learn about the latest food consumer trends

Find out why it’s now more important than ever to use innovative packaging styles to get great food to consumers in a way that they want to use it. It’s all about meeting the needs of health-conscious consumers who also want convenience, at the same time. Sign up to download this infographic and see if you’re ready to meet consumer demands.

Customer Interviews

Customer interview with Sugal

Tetra Recart® - Customer interview with Sugal

Mr. Nuno Saraiva from Sugal talks about his view on the future of e-commerce and canned food at PLMA 2018.

Customer interview with Fruttagel

Tetra Recart® - Customer interview with Fruttagel

Mr. Giorgio Alberani from Fruttagel discusses the challenges he regularly faces as a canned producer at PLMA 2018.