Quick facts

The Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher SAW 8/16 is designed to cook and stretch pasta filata style curd in the making of cheeses such as mozzarella, provolone, or pizza cheese. 



7.2 tons/hr, or 16000 lbs



Mozzarella Cheese

cooker stretcher SAW 8-16
Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher SAW 8/16

Unique single auger cooker stretcher

  • A high-capacity unit that feeds multiple moulding machines (e.g. 2 x Tetra Pak moulding machine RMC8’s or RMC12’s)
  • Gentle handing of curd, with a single low-speed auger in the baffle chamber
  • Multiple features ensure a high yield on ingredients - including the cream tank, single auger and dual heat exchange system
Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher SAW 8/16


Single auger

Single auger

Maximizes product yield

Uniquely, this equipment has a single as opposed to a double auger. Baffle plates restrict the curd mass as it passes through the auger body, stretching and aligning the fibres as it goes. This design reduces unwanted cutting of the curd and reduces fat losses.

Dual heat exchange system

Dual heat exchange system

Maintains product quality and yield

The dual system uses one brazed plate heat exchanger to heat utility water by steam. This utility water then flows against the cook water in a shell and tube heat exchanger. This allows a lower temperature to raise the temperature of the cook water to the required level, minimizing the risk of fouling and denaturation of proteins, ensuring a good end product flavour.

Cream tank

Reduces fat loss

During production, fresh water is added to the cooker-stretcher, typically at 2 litres /minute. Excess flush-water flows over into the cream tank. When the liquid in the cream tank reaches a certain level, its contents are pumped to a separator for the fats to be recovered.

Automatic water fill

Automatic water fill

Keeps an optimal level of water flowing through the unit

This feature is designed to correct the water level if it drops too low at any time during production. A sensor in the water box detects the water level, automatically opens the water valve and refills the unit when necessary. Keeping an optimal level of water flowing through the system ensures that the process runs smoothly, with a minimum of fat losses.

Explore our range of cooking & stretching

Tetra Pak Cooker Stretcher DAW 2/6

Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher DAW 2/6

Dual overlapped augers enable thorough mixing and stretching of a broad spectrum of pasta filata cheeses. Compact, space-saving design.

Tetra Pak Cooker Stretcher DAW 10​

Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher DAW 10

The Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher DAW 10 is a high capacity mixing and stretching equipment for cheese. High capacity possible thanks to two sets of dual augers.

Tetra Pak Cooker Stretcher DDA

Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher DDA

Employing patented heated auger technology, the Tetra Pak® Cooker Stretcher DDA provides higher yield, more flexibility and a reduced environmental impact.

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