Quick facts

A plate heat exchanger for heat treatment of food products in a processing line​. Every detail is carefully designed to ensure the highest hygienic standards, gentle product treatment and efficient cleaning. 


Up to 100,000 l/h

Food products from low to high viscosity, with fibres up to max 5mm.

plate heat exchanger
Tetra Pak® Plate Heat Exchanger

Durable design with plate geometry optimized for food applications

  • Provides gentle, energy efficient heating, optimized to maintain product quality
  • Easy to clean, service and maintain, and can even be rebuilt for new applications or different capacities
  • Long equipment lifetime thanks to the robustness of gaskets and plate pressing technology.
Tetra Pak® Plate Heat Exchanger


Clip-on gaskets

Clip-on gaskets

Safe, quick and easy to dismantle for service

Gaskets are used to tighten the plates of the heat exchangers. Tetra Pak®'s clip-on gaskets have robust T-clip design, and are easy to remove and reassemble. They also have specific features to enhance safety, such as a safety groove in the seal chamber. Should a leakage occur anywhere on the gasket, it is visible from the outside of the unit, thereby preventing the risk of cross contamination between product and media.

Bolted connections

Bolted connections

Easy to rebuild

The connections in Tetra Pak®'s Plate Heat Exchangers are bolted rather than welded to the connection plates, which make it easy to adapt and rebuild units for different capacities and products.

Plate geometry

Plate geometry

Gentle food processing and easy cleaning

The tall and narrow shape of the heat exchangers' plates, the surface pattern, and the size of the portholes where the product enters are all specially designed for food processing. Together they enable an even product flow, an even product distribution over the entire plate and an efficient, even heat transfer. This design has no low-velocity areas, which reduces fouling and thus enables longer production runs. Even flow rates also make cleaning more effective, and therefore faster.

Clip-on gaskets

Clip-on gaskets

Safe, quick and easy to dismantle for service

Gaskets are used to tighten the plates of the heat exchangers. Tetra Pak®'s clip-on gaskets have robust T-clip design, and are easy to remove and reassemble. They also have specific features to enhance safety, such as a safety groove in the seal chamber. Should a leakage occur anywhere on the gasket, it is visible from the outside of the unit, thereby preventing the risk of cross contamination between product and media.

A secure path to hygienic heating and cooling

Tetra Pak® Plate Heat Exchanger H are a range of premium heat exchangers specifically developed for dairy, beverage and other industries where hygiene standards must not be compromised. 


Watch this video to learn more 

A secure path to hygienic heating and cooling

Tetra Pak® Plate Heat Exchanger H are a range of premium heat exchangers specifically developed for dairy, beverage and other industries where hygiene standards must not be compromised. 


Watch this video to learn more 

Explore our heat exchangers range

Contherm heat exchangers

Contherm® scraped-surface heat exchanger

Contherm® scraped-surface heat exchanger is suited for hygienic heating and cooling of viscous, sticky and particulate food products.

Tetra Pak®  Coiled Heat Exchanger

Tetra Pak® Coiled Heat Exchanger

Our coiled tubular heat exchangers are designed to provide efficient heating and cooling of low to high viscous and smooth to particulate products.

Tetra Pak Tubular Heat Exchanger

Tetra Pak® Tubular Heat Exchanger

The tubular heat exchanger is very flexible and adaptable for the processing of viscous and particulate food products and food with fibres or pulp.

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