Making the most out of every kilowatt

Food and beverage manufacturers are under increasing pressure to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, due to strict new legal requirements and CO2 taxes, rising energy costs, and consumers’ growing demand for sustainable practices. 

A holistic look at energy across your plant can often reveal ways to reduce both the emissions and costs associated with fossil fuel consumption. Meeting your targets comes down to having the right technology, products and solutions for optimising energy efficiency, and integrating these in the right way for food and beverage production.

Recycle energy to increase efficiency

Food and beverage manufacturing is traditionally reliant on fossil fuels for energy-intensive processes, such as the production of heat1. As a result, one of the most effective ways to increase energy efficiency in food production is to recover excess heat from one process for use in another. Capturing and reusing heat that already exists in your plant reduces the amount of “new” heat you need to generate with fossil fuels. In essence, you get to recycle energy that you’ve already paid for.

Heat pump equipment

Heat pumps

Heat pump technologies offer an efficient solution for recovering process waste heat. We work with you to identify relevant energy waste streams in your production, and design a solution optimised to your particular needs.


The captured heat can be re-used in a variety of food processing applications including evaporation and drying. In cheese and powder applications, for example, a high-temperature heat pump used in combination with a whey permeate evaporator can help reduce CO2 emissions by up to 80% for that specific processing area of the plant2.

High-lift heat pump equipment

HighLift™ heat pumps

We offer HighLiftTM heat pump technology from Olvondo Technology AS, which we can integrate into your operations to provide steam or hot water from recovered waste heat throughout your plant. The technology is therefore well suited to applications with steam needs, such as direct UHT.


The HighLift technology is based on a reversed Stirling engine design, and therefore stands out among heat pumps by allowing for the production of steam. A HighLift heat pump can produce up to 7,000 kWh of steam.


The design offers environmental benefits, since it reduces emissions equivalent to 2,000 tonnes of CO2. It also enables cost savings, by reducing energy demands by up to 3,500 kWh. A HighLift heat pump additionally reduces gas consumption by instead utilising electricity3 .

Renewables: unlimited energy – unlimited savings

In regions with suitable climates, renewable sources like the sun can provide a virtually unlimited supply of free, reliable, and easily accessible clean energy. Two-thirds of energy consumption in a typical food and beverage plant is thermal energy (heat). Since most of that demand is in the form of low-to-medium heat needs, renewable solar thermal energy4 can offer an ideal solution.

Solar thermal collectors

Solar thermal collectors harness the sun’s energy to create a reliable source of heat energy. Solar radiation is collected, and the resulting heat is conveyed to a heat transfer fluid. In this way, solar thermal collectors are capable of delivering hot water and steam at temperatures up to 160° C. They can therefore be used to reduce reliance on fossil-fuel-generated heat in applications such as indirect UHT.


We have collaborated with solar thermal provider Absolicon, to offer a standardised solution for powering industrial equipment with renewable thermal energy. Working with you, we can integrate Absolicon’s scalable solar thermal module with current and new UHT lines, enabling a range of decarbonisation options. 


Our UHT processing line for high-temperature sterilisation of dairy products is the first such solution offered together with a scalable solar thermal supply. The combination of technologies provides the potential to reduce fossil fuel usage by up to 40%5.

Explore more

Plant filtration equipment

Making the most out of every litre of water

When taking a holistic approach to your factory’s sustainability, keep in mind that energy efficiency is just one piece of the puzzle. Learn how we can work with you to recover water and cleaning-in-place (CIP) chemicals for re-use in your production.

Man and factory

Utility optimisation - across your plant

Discover the benefits of taking a holistic approach to water, energy and cleaning chemical consumption throughout the whole of your factory.

Fss filtration equipment

Press release: Tetra Pak unveils new Factory Sustainable Solutions

‘Factory Sustainable Solutions’ offers Food and Beverage producers a tailored blend of state-of-the-art technologies and leading plant integration capabilities.

Rethinking resources

Food and beverage producers face growing challenges in energy, water, and waste management. Addressing them requires a combination of technology and food expertise, tailored to your operations. Our comprehensive portfolio of products and services, backed by decades of experience in food applications, can help you reduce your energy, water, and waste while simultaneously delivering cost benefits.

Discover other solutions

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Integrated food solutions & equipment

Integrated food solutions & equipment

Whether you produce dairy, juice or food, our end-to-end integrated food solutions can help you maximise efficiency and reduce your environmental footprint.

Integrated lines

Integrated lines

Integrated lines

From processing equipment to downstream technology, our integrated lines simplify production for a wide range of food and beverage products. Explore the range!

processing equipment

Processing equipment

Processing equipment

We provide complete solutions and equipment for dairy, cheese, ice cream, JNSD and other beverages, powder, plant-based, food and New Food.

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Service offerings

Service offerings

Explore service offerings that boost efficiency, optimise costs and ensure consistent product quality and food safety across your entire production process. 

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1 A substantial portion of the energy used in food and beverage manufacturing comes from fossil fuels, primarily natural gas, according to the Food & Drink Federation’s “Achieving Net Zero: A Handbook For The Food And Drink Sector.

2 Calculations estimated for waste heat recovery using an industrial high-temperature heat pump and whey permeate evaporator in the cheese and powder category.

3 Solution considering Direct UHT Unit with 2 High Lift Heat pumps, applicable for temperatures up to 200C, 7 bar of steam, COPh Value ~2

4 Solar thermal energy is recognized as a renewable heat and energy source by the International Renewable Energy Agency. See:

5 Based on tests performed by Absolicon with Tetra Pak equipment in Southern Europe, replacing a fossil fuel-powered boiler with Absolicon solar thermal power modules.