​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Carbonization equipment for aseptic and chilled carbonated products 

Carbonization is not just about adding bubbles to a beverage, but also, once added, about keeping them there. There is an art to this.

Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless gas that is soluble in water. How easily the gas is dissolved depends on the temperature, pressure and required brix level. Its solubility decreases as the sugar content of the liquid increases. The liquid therefore has to be held at precisely the right pressure for the carbon dioxide to be dissolved properly.

Employing static mixing along with accurate flow, pressure and temperature controls, Tetra Pak’s carbonization equipment gives you the desired result. Our knowledge and experience – combined with our advanced equipment - means we can also help you carbonize cost-efficiently. Tetra Pak is one of the few companies to offer processing equipment for aseptic as well as chilled (pasteurized) carbonated products.


Unit to treat the final beverage with carbon dioxide


A carbonator adds carbon dioxide to a ready-for-filling beverage.



  • Low operation and raw material cost 
  • High process reliability through control systems 
  • Constant flow through measuring systems for very high flexibility without losing carbon dioxide dosing accuracy 
  • Adaptable for any type of filler
carbonator benefits

Equipment for carbonization


Tetra Pak® Carbonator

Equipment for storing and discharging ingredients from intermediate bulk containers either by gravity or by using a transfer pump.