Looking to upgrade your plant’s equipment?

Watch the film to see what an upgrade kit can do for you, see how retrofittable kits enable you to add value to your production environment, improve performance beyond the original design. They also support replacement of components that are no longer available. If you’re interested in taking the next step, why not browse the range and find the right upgrade kits for your plant at My Tetra Pak.

Looking to upgrade your plant’s equipment?

Watch the film to see what an upgrade kit can do for you, see how retrofittable kits enable you to add value to your production environment, improve performance beyond the original design. They also support replacement of components that are no longer available. If you’re interested in taking the next step, why not browse the range and find the right upgrade kits for your plant at My Tetra Pak.

Upgrades offering drives performance excellence

improvement graphic

Improve uptime and capacity

Improve uptime and capacity

Adapt the capacity of your plant and improve production line running time.

quality safety graphic

Ensure safety and quality

Ensure safety and quality

Adapt your production line’s design to meet new standards and regulations to ensure food safety and quality.

environmental graphic

Improve environmental performance

Improve environmental performance

Add new line functions to save water, energy and product waste to lower your CO2 footprint.

operational graphic

Reduce operational cost and improve efficiency

Reduce operational cost and improve efficiency

Modernise your equipment and reduce operational costs over time.

clock graphic

Extend equipment lifetime

Extend equipment lifetime

Updating your automation and control systems enables you to keep your equipment running longer to protect your investment.

Discover cases and insights

Tetra Pak Watering filtration station

European dairy reduces water consumption by 95%

Water is a precious resource and industry is under pressure to reduce consumption. One European dairy in Europe asked us to help them reduce the amount of water used in their filling machines. The Tetra Pak® Water Filtering Station held the key to reducing water consumption by 95% - that’s 22 million litres a year.

woman looking through microscope

Optimising quality at every step

Tetra Pak® Services continuously evolve to optimise our customers’ food safety and quality from production line to shelf. Read the technical paper Frontiers of Food Quality to learn more about our approach and how we can support you in four key areas.

Discover more solutions and services

service agreements graphic

Service agreements

Services Solutions’ extensive service portfolio offers three tailored service agreements based on your specific operational needs and objectives. Discover how Tetra Pak® Plant Care, Plant Perform, and Plant Secure can help optimise your maintenance programs, reduce waste and lower costs.

man pointing at screen

Expert services

Identify new opportunities to improve your plant’s performance and productivity, while also boosting staff engagement.

person walking with jug


Reduce maintenance, downtime and utilities consumption, while increasing the lifetime of your plant’s equipment with this carefully developed range of consumables.

Reliable, profitable ice cream production – today and tomorrow

No matter your needs today – or your plans for tomorrow – make sure you have the right expertise to drive productivity, profitability and sustainability. We’re with you at every step: from tailor-made service agreements for full peace of mind, to the ingredients and consumables behind your next great product, to upgrades that help you get more from your existing equipment.


Explore our comprehensive portfolio of services for ice cream to learn more.

Ice cream services catalogue

Optimise your energy, water, and waste consumption

Reducing utilities consumption and waste is a central goal of most food and beverage producers today. Explore Tetra Pak® Upgrades using the latest technology and automation to enhance your equipment's performance and optimise your energy, water, and waste consumption. 


Interested in discovering more about products and services that can help you reduce energy, water, and waste while delivering cost benefits?  Visit our rethinking resources homepage to explore our comprehensive solutions.


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Service engineers training

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