End-To-End Solutions and Support from
Tetra Pak’s Proven Processing Expertise

Addressing the challenges of ambient drinking yoghurt,
every step of the way

Low-viscosity or High-viscosity?

Today, a large range of ambient yoghurt products, with largely unique formulations or production process, are produced commercially. Generally, ambient yoghurt products can be divided into low-viscosity and high-viscosity products, which are produced differently and therefore present different processing challenges.

Storage at Ambient Temperatures

Producing ambient yoghurt always differs from traditional yoghurt in one principal way. The yoghurt is heat-treated after fermentation to inactivate bacteria, thus allowing the yoghurt to be distributed and stored at ambient temperatures.

Ensuring Long Shelf-life

Ambient yoghurt products enjoy a long shelf-life of up to 9 months, depending on the way they are formulated and processed. Shelf-life definitions are subjective, but low-viscosity products generally have longer shelf lives than high-viscosity products. The shelf life is typically limited by physical instability (whey separation) and changes in flavour and colour.

Overcome The Challenges of Ambient Drinking Yoghurt With Our Proven Processing Solutions


Tetra Pak offers an unmatched capability to optimize heat treatment for each production scenario!
Decades of experience of heat transfer models combined with extensive research of particle properties have been used to develop our unique PartCalc tool, which allow us to accurately predict the required heating areas of the heat exchangers – minimize overheating the liquid while ensuring the highest level of food safety.

Dual heat treatment line offers optimal heat treatment for yoghurt and particles slurry.

  • Strongly recommended for adding of particles to high viscous yoghurt.
  • Allows low shear design of yoghurt line for best possible quality.
  • Highest flexibility can be achieved, in terms of range of particle sizes and types.

Ensure precise and consistent product quality that meets your demands – with particle integrity and even particle distribution.

  • Ensure particle integrity: with the right heat treatment particles maintain colour, flavour and integrity with appetizing texture.
  • Be assured of Food safety: time/temperature profiles configurable based on particle size, shape, type (e.g. 95°C/8 min).
  • Particle concentration and choice of "carrying fluid" (yoghurt vs syrup) determine heat transfer capacity and heat load limitation.
  • Homogenous mixing ensures consistent product quality.

1Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixer
Achieve the right texture and stability with the right recipe formulation

2Tetra Pak® Mixing Tanks
Secure product quality with efficient and flexible powder mixing

3Tetra Pak® Yoghurt Milk Pasteurizer
Secure product quality at low running costs with optimized deaeration, homogenization & precise temperature control

4Tetra Pak® Inline Inoculation Unit
Control hygiene with convenient solution for adding starter culture

5Tetra Pak® Fermentation Tank
Secure quality fermentation & texture with world-class engineering and optimal tank design

6Tetra Pak® Cooler
Minimize viscosity breakdown with best-in-class cooler system

7Tetra Pak® Indirect UHT
Ensure optimal heat treatment – protect viscosity or maximize flexibility

8Tetra Pak® Aseptic Buffer tanks HH & VC
Allows for gentle, safe aseptic buffering for high or low viscous products

9Tetra® Alsafe
Ensure uniform blending of yogurt with particulates

10Tetra Pak® TT/3  AD
Pack particulates up to 10x10x10mm with a lower carbon footprint, performance guaranteed.

Line configuration to be commercially validated. Line design must consider effect of mechanical treatment on viscosity. Product requires investigation to have robust performance data. Estimation of shelf life depending on recipe and distribution chain.


A single heat treatment line means that particles and yoghurt are heat treated together in a single process line.

Single heat treatment line where yoghurt and particles are heat treated together to secure heat penetration of the particle.

  • This solution is suitable for low viscous yoghurt with quick-heated particles.
  • The particle will define the required heat treatment. This concept should primarily be considered for low-viscous yoghurt (which is less sensitive to overheating than high viscous yoghurt) with quick heated particles (to minimize heat load on the yoghurt base).

Single heat treatment line where aseptic particle preparation is added to the yoghurt before pasteurization.

  • The center of the particle have already been heat treated. Temperature program is designed for yoghurt requiremetns. This solution is suitable when aseptically treated particle slurries are supplied in aseptic containers and where high hygiene of dosing connection can be secured.
  • In this production concept, aseptic fruit preparation is added to the yoghurt base prior to heat treatment. Since this particle preparation has already been thoroughly heat treated, a lower temperature of pasteurization can be accepted to inactivate typical recontamination organisms (yeasts and moulds). Hygienic conditions in the line and at the point of particle addition must be secured.

1Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixer
Achieve the right texture and stability with the right recipe formulation

2Tetra Pak® Mixing Tanks
Secure product quality with efficient and flexible powder mixing

3Tetra Pak® Yoghurt Milk Pasteurizer D
Secure product quality at low running costs with optimized deaeration, homogenization & precise temperature control

4Tetra Pak® Inline Inoculation Unit
Control hygiene with convenient solution for adding starter culture

5Tetra Pak® Fermentation Tank
Secure quality fermentation process with world class engineering and optimal tank design

6Tetra Pak® Cooler
Minimize viscosity breakdown with best-in-class cooler system

7Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixers
Cooks particulates and ensures uniform mixing of additives

8Tetra Pak® Indirect UHT DE
Ensure optimal heat treatment – protect viscosity or maximize flexibility

9Tetra Pak® Aseptic Tank HH
Get gentle, safe aseptic buffering for high or low viscous products

10Tetra Pak® A3/CompactFlex
New differentiated package for on-the-go consumption. Better drinking experience. Flexibility with quick changeover between 200/250 ml sizes.

Line configuration to be commercially validated. Line design must consider effect of mechanical treatment on viscosity. Estimation of shelf life depending on recipe and distribution chain

How Much Can You Save?

Reduce Product Losses and Running Costs With Optimised Solutions tailored for your business


Our solutions are designed to secure consistent product quality with minimum product losses and running costs.

Closed Cooling Water Loop

Dearator cooling reduces water consumption by 3000 litres per hour1

1. Based on a Deareator unit with 10,000 l/h capacity and compared to open loop water cooling system

Low Balance Tank

The bottom filling/emptying function of the Pasteurizer D allows a saving of ~75 liters per production cycle2, compared to a traditional balance tank with flat bottom.

2. Prices and figures are indicative and may depend on product specification and cost.

Lowering the Pressure with Maintained Efficiency

Lowering pressure in the homogenizer from 200 to 170 bar saves you €4,300 every year3.

3. Reference machine: Tetra Pak Homogeniser 300 with HD100 homogenisation device (170 bar) and Tetra Pak Homogeniser with standard homogenisation device (200 bar). Energy savings per year: 43,200 kWh (21,6 tonnes CO2).


Hibernation is used in the time between disinfection and production. Hibernation mode can save up to €6,500 annually4.

4. Total savings based on calculation for 15,000 litres/hour, 2-hour hibernation/day, 320 days/year production.

  • Flow is reduced to one third of production flow.
  • Ice water to the cooling sections is shut off
    (Final cooler and pre-coolers if included)

  • Hot water flow is reduced
  • Homogenizer pressure is turned off
  • Deaerator is turned off (cooling and vacuum)

5 Key Equipment Behind A Successful Ambient Drinking Yoghurt Processing Line

Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixer

Fast and reliable ingredients mixing

  • Rapid and reliable production thanks to high shear and energy dissipation rates
  • A completely sealed system (compliant with EHEDG and 3A) ensures food safety
  • Vacuum system consumes 50% less water and 70% less energy than competing models, keeping operational costs in check

Tetra Pak® Homogenizer

Pioneering design for lower pressure and energy savings

  • HD 100 homgenizing device reduces energy consumption by up to 30% in comparison with conventional designs
  • Easy access to the machine's working parts faciliates supervision, service and maintenance
  • Low cost of spare parts thanks to turnable parts, which can be used twice - once on each side

    Tetra Pak® Deaeration Unit

    Remove air efficiently with optimized deaeration unit. Secure product quality at low running costs.

    Air is your enemy in yoghurt production! Avoiding air incorporation within yoghurt milk is a vital consideration in the design of yoghurt production lines and should guide critical process steps like mixing, agitation and filling of tanks.

    Tetra Pak® Pasteurizer

    At the heart of the dairy production process

    • Low energy consumption, thanks to a rapid response hibernation system and compact unit design
    • Numerous features support food safety, before and during production
    • An automation system controls the operation of this unit and connected submodules, enabling efficient production

    Tetra Pak Powder Handling

    A powder handling solution can be used to control any type of powder either as a raw material such as sugar, milk powder, salt, flour...or as a finished product like instant formula, instant drinks or dry broth.

    Learn More About Our End-To-End Solutions for Ambient Drinking Yoghurt