6 reasons to choose Tetra Recart® over other packaging for tomato preparations

We’ve made a comprehensive list of reasons to choose Tetra Recart® over both cans and glass jars when it comes to packaging for tomato preparations such as chopped tomatoes. Find out why Tetra Recart is a great alternative for producers, retailers, consumers and the environment.

Opening Tetra Recart package

1. Efficient production

A high-speed Tetra Recart® line is a competitive, low-cost and fully automated solution for the fast filling and efficient production of fresh seasonal produce for shelf-stable tomato preparations.

2. Less impact on the environment

According to multiple life cycle assessment (LCA) studies, measured in CO2 equivalents Tetra Recart has a much lower global warming potential compared to other packaging formats commonly used for tomato preparations: up to 85% less than metal cans and up to 83% less than glass jars. Made from 71% renewable resources* (trees from responsibly managed forests), 100% of Tetra Recart packages are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®).

3. It innovates and rejuvenates

Being a relatively new packaging format, Tetra Recart is ideal for combining with new tomato preparations to rejuvenate what is otherwise a rather traditional and unchanging supermarket shelf. Tetra Recart also provides more space for attractive graphics and information for consumers. The fact that Tetra Recart packaging is always forward-facing and without gaps in between individual packs creates an appealing “billboard effect” on the shelf – an effective way to showcase your brand and attract consumers in retail settings. The format also eliminates the need to turn cans and jars or fumble with pouches for both staff and consumers.

4. Improved logistics

Space-saving due to their rectangular shape and lightweight, Tetra Recart packs have several advantages in transport, storage and retail environments.

  • Empty Tetra Recart packs use one tenth the amount of storage space as cans (1 million vs 100,000 packs) and only one twentieth vs glass jars (1 million vs 50,000).
  • When filled and shipped to retailers, up to 10%–50% more Tetra Recart packages can fit in a truck compared to cans and glass jars with primary and secondary packaging weighing 60%–70% less than cans and about 90% less than jars.
  • In store, up to 30%–50% more Tetra Recart packages of tomato preparation can fit on the shelf.

5. Optimised for e-commerce

Lightweight and space-saving format is perfect for e-commerce channels that sell tomato preparations. Flat, rectangular carton packages are easily optimised for screens, accommodating designs that can grab the attention of e-shoppers more than packaging with rounded edges like cans and jars. Furthermore, when shipped with meal boxes Tetra Recart is less likely to damage other items or break during shipping, and thus requires less cushioning when delivered to consumers.**

6. Consumer preference

Tetra Recart is simple to carry, store and handle. Laser perforation enables easy opening by hand, and it can be reclosed and placed in the refrigerator for later consumption. It’s also less likely to leak, damage other goods or cause injury. Multiple consumer studies*** show that Tetra Recart cartons are preferred by consumers. They are seen as more modern and innovative, more convenient, safer, and more environmentally sound when compared to cans and jars. Consumers perceive products packaged in Tetra Recart cartons as healthier and more natural than those in traditional packaging. There is also a higher consumer acceptance for disfigured cartons vs dented cans, resulting in up to 85% less in-store primary packaging waste.****

Want to learn more about Tetra Recart packaging and how it can benefit your tomato preparations business?

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*Peer reviewed LCA studies: Europe by Ifeu 2017, European average situation (EU +28); New Zealand and Australia by thinkstep Ltd. 2020, Europe by Ifeu 2020, European average situation
**Package scoring from Hello Fresh, Amazon
***Tetra Recart® Consumer Study Argentina 2013, Italy 2014, Japan 2017, Poland 2017, Germany 2018
****Tetra Pak Competitive Insights