
Tetra Pak® Blender VCC is the world’s first and only vertical blender optimized for cottage cheese production. The vertical design and smart features ensure gentle and efficient blending, even at low fill levels, for high  quality, homogenous cottage cheese. The unit enables you to drastically reduce product waste and ease operation thanks to complete emptying.  It allows you to test and develop new products incorporating spices, herbs and fruit pieces easily and efficiently.

  • Drastically reduces product waste thanks to complete emptying without manual operation
  • Secures high product quality with gentle agitation and consistent curd/cream ratio during emptying
  • Ensures gentle agitation and consistent high quality at all fill levels


Quick facts

Unit for blending cottage cheese curd with dressing and additives



5,500 litres



Cottage cheese

blender vcc benefits
Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

Reasons to be vertical

  • Reduces product losses by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders
  • Uniform distribution of particles, down to 25% of full capacity
  • Control system and load cells combine to ensure a consistent curd to dressing ratio
Tetra Pak® Blender VCC


Curved agitators

Gentle agitation, uniform particle distribution

The agitators are slightly curved, allowing curd particles to flow smoothly over them. Mounted at an angle, they nonetheless create sufficient turbulence to blend the curd and dressing thoroughly, maintaining the structure of the curd and ensuring a uniform distribution of particles throughout the product.

Conical design

Efficient blending down to 25% of full capacity

The lower part of the blender is conical. This means that even when there is a low level of product, the agitators and scraper can still reach every part of the vessel- thereby ensuring the curds and dressing are always efficiently mixed and the curd particles are evenly distributed.

Vertical principle

Reduces product losses

When emptying, product exits the blender at the lowest point, naturally assisted by gravity and by the vessel’s conical design. The scraper moves product away from the walls towards the centre of the vessel, while the agitator pushes product downwards. These features combine to reduce product losses down to less than 2kg per batch, or by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders.

Cooling jacket

Cooling jacket

Maintain product quality and safety

To secure product quality on a cottage cheese line, it’s important to maintain a stable, low temperature during draining, blending and packing. A cooling jacket around the bottom and sides of the unti takes care of the blending step. If, for some reason, the product needs to be held in the blender for a longer period, ice water can be pumped into the cooling jacket to keep it cool and safe.

Curved agitators

Gentle agitation, uniform particle distribution

The agitators are slightly curved, allowing curd particles to flow smoothly over them. Mounted at an angle, they nonetheless create sufficient turbulence to blend the curd and dressing thoroughly, maintaining the structure of the curd and ensuring a uniform distribution of particles throughout the product.

Insights on curd blending and buffering

Top three trends in cottage cheese

Top three trends in cottage cheese

New trends within cottage cheese meet consumer demands for a wider variety of ingredients and packaging

Overcoming key challenges within cottage cheese blending

Overcoming challenges in cottage cheese blending

Maintain a consistent curd/dressing ratio and presere curd structure with Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

Explore our range of curd blending & buffering

Tetra Pak crumbled cheese buffer

Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer

Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer for small batches for product diversity. The buffer increase flexibility level of your production line. Produce different flavoured products even from a single curd batch.

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