Quick facts

With superior cooling, reduced brine time, and maximum use of floor space, the Tetra Pak® Brining system S has a proven record of reliability and superior performance. This system is designed to handle a variety of cheese sizes including Euro blocks, provolone, 2.5kg, 6 lb., 20 lb., wheels, and big block Swiss as well as specialties.



Per customer specifications



Mozzarella cheese

brining system s benefits
Tetra Pak® Brining system S

Efficient brining with faster cooling

  • Superior cooling – achieves desired final core temperature faster
  • Optimal use of floor space, as brine tank goes into the floor
  • Reduced brine time, maximum salt absorption and gentle handling of cheese blocks
Tetra Pak® Brining system S


Brine circulation system

Brine circulation system

Continuous cleaning of brine

The brine level is constant and the perforated cages ensure maximum circulation throughout the system. And as the brine is continuously cleaned, chilled and circulated, it doesn’t have to be replaced. That means there is no emptying into floor drains. Furthermore, an automated brine maker maintains precise salt levels.



Reaches core temperature faster

As the cheese is fully submerged into the cold brine, all sides of the cheese are equally brined and chilled. Continuous bottom to top brine flow provides constant exposure to chilled full-strength brine. High brine turnover rate produces consistent brine temperature throughout the system.

Block size flexibility

Block size flexibility

Designed for a variety of sizes

The system is designed to preserve excellent block shape and handle a variety of cheese sizes. These include Euroblock (500x300 mm), provolone (varies), 2.5kg (90mmx90mmx271mm) , 6 lb.(4in X 4in x 11in), 20 lb. (3.75in x 7in x 21in) , wheels, big block Swiss and various specialties.

Adaptable layout

Adaptable layout

Tailored to your plant

The size of the brining system is designed to suit your product and production capacity. The layout of the brining system can be adapted to fit the available space in your plant.



Enhancing control

Cages are typically sized to hold one vat to maintain vat identity throughout the brining process. This provides you with the ability to collect and record cheese data for improved quality control.

Explore our brining range

Tetra Pak Rack Brining System

Tetra Pak® Rack Brining System

The Tetra Pak® Rack Brining System is an advanced system for brining of semi-hard cheeses. Consistent product quality thanks to a controlled brining process

Tetra Pak Brining system D for cheese

Tetra Pak® Brining system D

Tetra Pak® Brining system D is optimized for specific production rates, brining time, salt uptake, required core temperature and layout available onsite.

Curd cooler for cheese curd

Tetra Pak® Curd Cooler

The Tetra Pak® Curd Cooler is an advanced, highly automated piece of equipment used for cheese curd cooling in crumbled cheese lines.

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