Challenges of an obsolete system

When Mevgal, one of the biggest dairies in Greece, wanted to update its automation system, Tetra Pak stood out as the supplier best equipped to tackle this challenging project. The upgrade at Mevgal’s plant in Koufalia has now been finalised and is starting to deliver the efficiencies they hoped for.

Back in 2019, a big part of the Mevgal plant was controlled by a 20-year-old automation system. Due to its age, some components were no longer available and upgrades impossible. Mevgal therefore started looking for a modern platform, capable of monitoring operations throughout the entire plant. One that would also pave the way for more advanced functionality in the future.

Choosing the most competent supplier

After exploring its options, Mevgal chose Tetra Pak to deliver its new automation system. “It took some time for them to reach a decision,” explains Geraldo Pazini, Manager Automation & Electrical Engineering, “but by November 2022, they were ready to take the plunge.” During the intervening period Mevgal had the chance to understand the limitations of its existing automation system. The company also experienced some minor failures and realised these could not be addressed on the old platform. The evidence gradually built up until the migration project became critical.

An enhanced automation solution... meeting EU hygiene standards

Silos with automation pixels

Tetra Pak proposed a comprehensive in-plant automation and digitalisation solution, based on Tetra Pak® PlantMaster. The system collects data from across Mevgal’s operations to provide a steady flow of reliable information upon which the company can base its everyday operational decisions. Beginning with milk reception, the system logs trucks arriving at the plant, the volume of milk they deliver and the quality of that milk. As the milk is processed into yoghurt and cheese, Tetra Pak PlantMaster controls critical process parameters such as volume, temperature and speed, providing operators with full visibility into ongoing operations.

Water with automation pixels

Cleaning is also monitored and controlled to ensure the correct temperatures are reached for the correct length of time to meet EU hygiene standards. The consumption of water, caustic, flush with fresh water etc. are also monitored to ensure an efficient cleaning process and highlight any deviations that may require action. The functionality of the Mevgal solution is enhanced with a traceability module to aid issue resolution, a customised milk reception module and extra MES functions enabling the generation of production and cleaning reports.

Investing time, winning trust

The Tetra Pak team spent a total of about three weeks on site understanding, designing and discussing the solution in cooperation with Mevgal’s staff. This time investment ensured that their proposal met the customer’s brief in full, as well as demonstrating a high level of commitment. Says Agapios, “After all that preparation, when the final proposal was presented, we felt confident it would meet with Mevgals’ approval.

Besides being a good technical solution, it contained a well-structured implementation plan covering not only what would be done but also how.”

Smooth migration process

It is thanks to Tetra Pak’s detailed planning that the migration process went so smoothly. A dedicated automation team not only planned the physical and electrical installation down to the last detail, but also thoroughly tested certain recipes before setting up a detailed change-over timetable in cooperation with Mevgal. The factory’s operational staff also underwent theoretical training and did simulations so that once the changeover was completed, they would be able to start using the new system right away.

Operators from Mevgal and Tetra Pak

Minimising downtime during implementation

Agapios explains, “The main challenge in these situations is keeping production going during implementation. Downtime must be minimised as every hour of lost production costs money.” By isolating one area at a time, the team avoided any issues that could affect the whole plant. And they worked fast. Just to give one example, three teams worked around the clock to commission the cleaning system, and finalised the whole job in under 24 hours. Under normal circumstances, it can take up to a week. the generation of production and cleaning reports.

Looking forward to long-term benefits

Although it’s still early days, the CEO of Mevgal, Mr Chatzakos, expressed his satisfaction with the installation: “The successful completion of this project has secured our business continuity without the previous risks. Nowadays, the plant runs under Tetra Pak PlantMaster and the operators are becoming familiar with it,” he says. “Even our older, more conservative team members are embracing Tetra Pak PlantMaster now they’ve seen how it facilitates their work.”

In the years to come, Mevgal looks forward to reaping the full benefits of visibility into its plant operations, having access to reliable production data and the insights it generates. They hope to lower total cost of ownership, increase efficiency and ultimately, boost profitability.

For Tetra Pak, the success of this project paves the way for us to support Mevgal with plant expansions, upgrades and automation services in future, as well as providing a clear benchmark for similar automation migration projects with other companies.

Vision becoming reality

“I firmly believe that by taking full advantage of Tetra Pak PlantMaster’s capabilities, we will optimize plant operation and increase plant efficiency.” says Mr Chatzakos, CEO of Mevgal.


CEO of Mevgal Mr Chatzakos

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