Making impressions, making sensations

The key motivators for what is known as the “Distinction” Need State are the desires to leave a good impression on others, improve personal appearance and show others you know good quality and have good taste. Another motivator is the longing to experience new sensations.

Not surprisingly, the main consumer generations motivated by the need for Distinction are 18-29-year-old millennials (indexing at 116 versus other age groups) predominately in China (21%), South Africa, Turkey and Mexico (20% each) and is higher for males compared to females (56% vs. 44%).

Opportunities to impress

Beverage occasions which fit the need for Distinction are more likely to take place at breaks, during sporting activities, socialising at home and at pre-dinner aperitifs. Attending business events, social venues or movies etc., and after dinner moments account for the big out-of-home occasions.
Party people

What are they drinking?

Most typically, products which fit the Distinction Need State were found to be:

  • Smoothies (milk, yoghurt or fruit-based)

  • Herbal based cold drinks

  • Special milks (e.g. rice or grain)

  • Energy drinks

Read more about Plant-based drinks in Findbyfood and read case articles Kagome breaks into the smoothie market and Kaslink teams up with Tetra Pak - launching new oat-based drinks

Fresh food

Their unique drink in a unique package

The research also found that this group of consumers typically want a beverage that is unique, stylish, creative and exciting.


Their ideal package is playful and fun to play with, has a new and attractive shape which stands out, has colourful graphics and portrays a high-quality premium image.


New ranges of packaging material finishings from the Tetra Pak® Artistry portfolio are an interesting fit with the Distinction Need State.

Legs and feet

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Source: Tetra Pak global Needs States occasion-based segmentation study (dairy, juice and still drinks), 2017