More than half of the consumers in our study1 say that they are conscious about their wellbeing and actively seek products with health claims. We can help you create safe and nutritious products, guiding you from the first ideation sessions via recipe formulation and product trials, until your product hits the store shelf in an eye-catching package.
If you are thinking about entering a new category, consider Food Supplements & Nutrition. Here’s why.
At our Product Developments Centres, you can try out your ideas – in person or remotely. Together we test your recipe to ensure you get the product properties you strive for and scale up your process to industrial scale. When we don’t work with customers we focus on future concepts, such as GLP1-friendly and micro-algae-based drinks. And new ingredients, such as yeast protein from microbial sources, lentils, mushrooms and spirulina.
1) FMGC Gurus Custom Survey “Active Nutrition”, Aug 2023 (Nigeria, South Africa, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK)
2) Ipsos for Tetra Pak Quantitative Survey on Health & Nutrition 2023 (Brazil, US, China, India, South Korea, Kenya, South Africa, Germany, Spain, UK)
3) Nielsen’s 2015 Global Health & Wellness Survey - CleanEating WGSN 2016
4) Global Data 2023 Ad Hoc research
5) CAGR 24-27
6) Typical production scenario based on on-site experience of customers’ protein powder processing. Assumes 300 working days per year, a 35,000kg batch size, 4 batches per day and a 6 EUR/kg DM product cost. Savings are made up of a) foam overflow in mixing phase typically costs €100,000+ per year in product losses, b) product also lost to increased burn-on during heat treatment, c) higher CIP and cleaning downtime costs and d) increased spare part and maintenance costs.