Introduction - yoghurt products

Demand for traditional yoghurt products is once again on the rise, and is taking the form of new formats. Skyr, ayran, laban, kefir, quark, smetana and crème fraiche are proving popular, as are nutrition-packed yoghurt drinks and new cooking ingredients. With our deep knowledge of this category, we have developed processing solutions that give your yoghurt products the best taste, mouthfeel, texture, stability, and appearance every time – without compromising on production economy or flexibility.​


people in lab

We help you find your niche

Even before your idea is fully developed, you can use us as sparring partners. Our Customer Innovation Centres combine global experience with local knowledge, to help you analyse your market and come up with a product concept with the right taste, characteristics, package, and price point for your consumers.

You can then test your recipes at our Product Development Centres together with our specialists, to finetune them into perfection. This is a highly appreciated service that we offer our customers – and you can always come back to perform recipe trials without pausing your normal production.

man in store

We help you stand out on the shelf

Whether you go for ambient or chilled distribution, portion packs or family packs, our package portfolio offers a wide variety of sizes, shapes, packaging material effects and openings to choose from.

What they all have in common is that they are convenient, and help your brand stand out on the busy shelves.

service engineer

We help you optimise your production

A common challenge for producers is that yoghurt is very sensitive to mechanical treatment. If mixed or stirred too hard and fast, the yoghurt may be reduced to an undesirable fluid consistency, or separate, forming a liquid layer.

Thanks to our experience within yoghurt and a worldwide installed base of processing and packaging lines for yoghurt products, we have solutions for that. We are also world leading in ambient drinking yoghurt with particles, a product that generates high margins. We can design a seamless line for your product, protecting food safety and upholding consistent product quality while maximising productivity. Our automation solutions are developed especially for food production and give you total control of your whole plant. And our services are designed to help you keep both your equipment and your performance in top shape.

Bigger fruit pieces = added value

Yoghurt with large pieces of fruit, tapioca, cheese or grains are on the rise – and consumers are willing to pay up to 40% more for these products. Have a look at this film and get inspired!

Bigger fruit pieces = added value

Yoghurt with large pieces of fruit, tapioca, cheese or grains are on the rise – and consumers are willing to pay up to 40% more for these products. Have a look at this film and get inspired!

Concentrated yoghurt

Concentration technologies to meet every need

This line uses technologies such as centrifugal separation and ultrafiltration to provide the texture and mouthfeel of your choice - whether you are producing a protein-rich-non-fat snack or a luxurious and creamy dessert. The yoghurt produced in this line is commonly known as Greek yoghurt, quark, skyr labneh.  

Drinking yoghurt

Produce the complete range of drinkable products

This line is carefully engineered to meet your expectations, whether your drinkable yoghurt should be liquid like milk or with more body, plain or flavoured or enriched with fibres, proteins or other healthy enhancers.

Set yoghurt

Complete production system - no incubation tanks needed

Set yoghurt is fermented directly in cups or packages, resulting in a spoonable yoghurt with a firm and unbroken texture. We help you solve the challenges of this seemingly simple and straightforward production process.

Stirred yoghurt

Gentle treatment protects viscosity

With limitless opportunities, this line is the perfect starting point for producing everything from vicious and spoonable to conveniently drinkable yoghurts - whether plain or flavoured, smooth or with particles, clean label or with additives and as high volume or niche premium products.

South America follows Chinese success

Brazil is the world’s third largest drinking yoghurt market. Chilled distribution is very expensive in a tropical country like Brazil and can account for up to 30 percent of a product’s cost. For obvious reasons, chilled products tend to be consumed at home. An ambient option paves the way for consumers to enjoy yoghurt outside the home as well.
girls smiling with a yoghurt moustache

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Capture huge growth with the right solution

Your optimal yoghurt production solution matches your specific production needs today and equips you to capture to-morrow’s opportunities as the yoghurt market continues to grow and diversify.

Our goal is to make you more innovative, more effective and more competitive. We believe that this optimal solution is born from applying our vast know-ledge and complete range of innovative technology for food production in close partnership with you.

Chilled or ambient, each type of yoghurt you produce poses a specific set of challenges. We have the processing solutions that overcome them.​

Best-practice lines for yoghurt production

Sign up to download brochure Best-practice lines for yoghurt production

Brochure Best-practice lines for yoghurt production

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