Juice matters

Millions upon millions of litres of juices, nectars and still drinks are consumed around the world every single day1. There’s huge potential with a market of this size and scale, especially when considering the fact that there are so many drinking occasions2. What can you do to make the most of the opportunities?

Blood orange and carton package

Of the many millions of frequent juice drink users, more than half drink it several times per week, and almost 90%1 drink pure fruit juice the most, followed by juice drinks and nectars. Consumers drink juice for a variety of reasons, from looking for an energy boost to wanting a sweet treat.

Orange and carton package

In addition to this, functional drinks are becoming more popular than ever. People want something that tastes good, but that does good for the body at the same time. All of these factors combined mean that there are some great opportunities for juice producers around the world.


Attracting the conscious consumer

Consumers are careful about what they put in their bodies, and what impact the products they buy has on the environment.1 It’s crucial for producers to be crystal clear about everything from nutrition and ingredients to sourcing and sustainability.1

Clarity is key

Messaging on packaging plays a vital role in letting consumers know that they’re making the right choice in purchasing your product. This means you need to be very clear in what you say, and back up claims where possible whether related to package sustainability or health benefits.

Top of carton package

Smart labels

QR codes are well established in labelling, but that’s only the start of the potential of smart labels. Producers are trying things like near field communication (NFC) to make the physical/digital crossover even more seamless, offering consumers information in real time based on the product.


With smart labels, there could be applications which make a real impact for consumers and producers alike. They could be used to communicate things like internal temperature and the time left before expiration while also pushing consumers to try new, exciting recipes based on how much is left in the package.

Middle of carton package

Your consumers care

Almost half of consumers check the sugar level of drinks before buying, and a majority of consumers appreciate when there are clear labelling systems, such as the Nutri-score system in Europe or the Health Star Rating in Australia, that indicate the health factors of a product. There’s a rising interest in naturalness, which presents an opportunity for 100% pure juice producers.

Middle of carton package

Tell your story

Consumers like to know not only the specifics of the product, but the story of the brand and what it stands for. As a producer, what are your values? What do you contribute towards improving sustainability with your products and packaging? Where did the brand come from?

Bottom part of package


A growing concern

Consumers are concerned about climate change, making informed choices about what they buy and use to try and limit their carbon footprint, and in turn, their impact on the environment.1 Offering the right product in the right package is key.

Grape fruit and carton packages

Considering cartons

PET plastic bottles still dominate the the juice drinks market, but consumer perception is that cartons are more sustainable. If you can offer a great product in a package that can boast positive sustainability credentials, you will attract the modern consumer. Even better if your package can show certifications.

Recycling symbol

How can you meet consumer demands?

Consumers are prioritising recyclability, and products that are made from responsibly sourced materials. 41%1 of consumers think that cartons are the most environmentally sound packages, with cartons including paper straws scoring highest of all, so it’s up to producers to make the change.


Living well and feeling well


Boosting immunity1

Vitamins are known to help boost immune systems, and natural fruit juices are already rich in vitamin C. If you want to promote immunity even more, you can add other fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin D or zinc, offering a wider range of benefits to health-conscious consumers.


Peace of mind1

Producers are innovating when it comes to mental health benefits. Adding chamomile, for example, can help ease stress, while other ingredients can reduce anxiety. As anxiety is becoming more prevalent, there are significant opportunities to stand out with a product that can help to ease this.


Energy for anything1

Whether it’s first thing in the morning or a dip during the afternoon, everyone feels low on energy sometimes. Natural juices already contain Vitamin C that can boost energy, and citrus juices are rich in the B vitamins that can enhance this further. Producers can combine them for greater effect.


Premium juice drinks

What is a premium juice? For some, it’s about the texture, taste and experience. For others it might be the functional benefits, or the sustainability credentatials. One thing is clear, though - taste is always the number one priority.’


The price is right

Store shelf, blurred image

Consumers and the cost-of-living crisis2

With rising interest rates, inflation and general costs of living going up, some consumers are watching what they spend. This means fewer luxuries, and more decisions about what they really need in their shopping basket. Brands need to think about ways to help consumers while maintaining margins.

Woman in store

The right pack at the right price2

With raw material costs also rising, it can be difficult for brands to drop product prices. By offering smaller portions, consumers can still enjoy juice drinks, but on a smaller scale at less expense. On the other hand, buying in bulk can reduce cost per litre for those that consume more often.


Refreshing the world of juice drinks.

Topics that are buzzing in the industry!

Challenges and opportunities in the juice and nectar industry.

Sugar lumps and juice

Sugar, we need to talk​

Sugar, we need to talk​

Sugar has been high on the agenda for consumers for years. How can your products meet the modern consumer’s needs? ​

Woman and tanks

Make money – smart production

Make money – smart production

Are rising ingredients costs, general inflation and consumer trends making things more challenging? In times like these, it’s essential to squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of your juice production.

Package, people and tanks

Discover our integrated plant solutions​

Discover our integrated plant solutions​

We help you simplify your juice, still drink, and nectar production. From product development to packaging and production, we provide comprehensive services and cutting-edge technology.​

Carton package

A perfect package for every juice drink

A perfect package for every juice drink

Consumers drink juices from morning through to evening. Every occasion needs its own package, and we have the range of packages to cover every moment.

White paper

Meeting the sugar-reduction challenge in fruit juices

The juice industry has long wrestled with the challenge of reducing the sugar level of juice products, while maintaining quality and consumer appeal. Our new approach to this problem reduces sugar through controlled fermentation, followed by removal of the yeast and alcohol. The resulting zero-sugar juice can then be blended with ordinary juice to achieve any level of sugar reduction desired. The concept has been proven in technical and consumer tests, and offers you a broad opportunity to create an entirely new product category – reduced-sugar juices and drinks. Our new white paper describes processing solutions for fermentation, yeast removal and dealcoholisation, as well as final blending.

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1 Innova Market Insights

2 Tetra Pak Sugar & Sugar Substitutes Research

3 Mintel