A holistic approach tailored to your needs

The Factory Sustainable Solutions approach complements our resource-efficient equipment and services portfolio, offering new ways for to optimise energy, water and cleaning chemical consumption across the whole of your plant. Learn how you can address utilities in a more holistic way to reduce both your environmental footprint and your long-term operating costs.

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Energy efficiency

How do you make every kilowatt count? With state-of-the-art technologies designed to enable energy savings, for reduced fossil fuel consumption and related GHG emissions. By implementing solutions for upcycling waste heat and for tapping into renewable energy sources, we can help you improve the energy efficiency of your equipment and across your whole factory.

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Water recovery & CIP optimisation

In many processes, water and cleaning chemical consumption can be big cost drivers. It can therefore be vital to find ways to get more out of every litre you put in. Our filtration solutions help you recover water for use in other applications, and they can also reduce product waste and cleaning chemical needs.

Process sustainability that’s fit for food

Every manufacturer is looking to optimise energy and water consumption. But solutions designed for one industry aren’t necessarily ideal for other applications. Food and beverage manufacturers have additional considerations when it comes to food safety and product quality, and it’s important to take these into account when choosing solutions for your factory.


By working with you and understanding your specific needs, we provide fit-for-purpose equipment, enriched with our holistic food and beverage application knowledge and leading project capabilities. This approach enables us to address resource efficiency, delivering tangible improvements in a way that is financially advantageous.

Two women at plant