Quick facts

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit CIP is suitable for Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixer with a vacuum system or any kind of batch powder and liquid mixing process. A separate dust extraction filter ensures efficient dust control at the tipping point. The access door is automatically locked before the CIP cycle starts. When the CIP cycle starts, the complete unit is washed with a single spray ball that directs jets of cleaning water to all internal parts of the unit.



Designed for 25 kg bags of powder. Up to 3,000 kg/h depending on working capacity of the operator.
Storage volume: 120 litres.​


Where automatic cleaning with a high level of hygiene is required including industries dealing with allergens, flavours or colourants.

bag tipping unit


Wet CIP nozzle

Wet CIP nozzle

CIP is built in as standard

A single nozzle cleans all surfaces inside with cleaning agents and water at temperatures up to 90°C. Wet CIP is the only efficient way to remove every trace of flavour, colourant or allergen residue. CIP is the choice if you want to maintain high standards of hygiene. With this tipping unit, CIP is built-in from the beginning. This is a standard unit designed as an extension for your batch mixer. What’s more, we can offer it at a standard cost.

Unique shape

Unique shape

Shape ensures good flow of powder

The inside surfaces slope at an angle to ensure correct powder flowability down to the outlet. The corners of the unit are smooth and rounded, and there are no dead-ends where powder can be trapped. This ensures complete discharge without retention of powder. What’s more, the unique shape ensures complete liquid drainage from the wet CIP cycle. The body of the unit is made of food-grade 316L stainless steel.

Flexible discharge

Flexible discharge

Choice of downstream connections

This unit is suitable for Tetra Pak® High Shear Mixer with a vacuum system or any kind of batch powder and liquid mixing process. Therefore you have the flexibility to connect this bag tipping unit using:

  • Vacuum mixer powder feeding
  • Venturi powder incorporation
  • Non-vacuum mixer - powder gravity feed

Ergonomic handling

Ergonomic handling

Practical tipping position

The table height is 87 cm from the floor. This is the best design compromise to achieve an ergonomic table height while at the same time giving the unit a sufficient storage volume (more than 100 litres).

The table folds down for better access inside if necessary. The door folds up and out of the way so the operator does not bang his or her head on it. The sides are inclined away from the operator so they do not get in the way of arm movement.

Automatic door lock

Automatic door lock

Door is locked during the CIP cycle

The safety mechanisms built into the tipping unit enable the use of hot water and detergents in a safe manner because operators cannot open the unit during the CIP cycle. Another safety device makes it impossible to accidentally disconnect the downstream pipe during cleaning-in-place.


Dust extraction filter

Dust extraction filter

Protect workers from airborne dust

The tipping unit can be connected to your existing dust extraction system or we can supply a dedicated dust filter system. Both these systems are designed to start automatically when the door is opened in order to protect operators from airborne dust.

Hot air dryer

Hot air dryer

For automatic drying after CIP

Automatic drying is available as an option by connecting a hot air dryer via an existing inlet. In this way, you can keep the unit closed during drying. There is no need to open the unit for drying manually with a tissue or cloth with the associated risk of contamination. Our automatic drying option gives you a more hygienic alternative to manual drying or to leaving Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit CIP open to dry overnight. You also release more time for operators to do something else instead of drying.

Valve on dust connection pipe

Valve on dust connection pipe

Avoid cleaning of the dust pipe

The standard solution for the CIP system is to clean not just the unit but the upstream and downstream pipes. This is to ensure that no dust residue can find its way back into the cleaned tipping area. However, as an option, you can choose to isolate the downstream connection pipe using a sanitary butterfly valve. This prevents cleaning of this dust pipe using CIP.

Explore our tipping & discharging range

Tetra Pak Bag Tipping unit CS VS600

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit CS VS600

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit CS VS600

With a high hygienic standard and compact design, this unit provides high efficiency and ease of use for manual emptying of powder bags weighing up to 25 kg.

Tetra Pak Bag Tipping unit M VS401

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit M VS401

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit M VS401

For efficient manual bag tipping, the ergonomic design minimises lifting and makes the equipment easy to operate with bags containing any powder.

Tetra Pak Bag Tipping unit SA VS800

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit SA VS800

Tetra Pak® Bag Tipping unit SA VS800

An automatic bag opening solution that is all about powder handling efficiency, this unit combines best-in-class food safety with improved production rates

Tetra Pak Big Bag Discharger modular design

Tetra Pak® Big Bag Discharger

Tetra Pak® Big Bag Discharger

The Tetra Pak® Big Bag Discharger is designed to efficiently discharge Big Bags of free-flowing granulated or powdered ingredients in industrial food production

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