Explore our selection of articles with expertise knowledge and for inspiration.
Learn more about consumer trends driving new growth opportunities.
Consumer trends in the food & beverage industry.
Food protection, carbon footprint, recycling. Go with carton.
Enabling the transition to sustainable food systems.
Contributing to sustainable development – Let’s GO further.
Taking action in the areas where we can contribute the most.
The theme of this years hackathon is the Connected Package. The future of the food and beverage industry is connected. From reducing downtime and minimising waste to meeting increasing consumer demands and more, connectivity is the key to unlocking almost limitless opportunities while creating a more sustainable world.
The teams have five days to come up with an idea, create a prototype and pitch it to Tetra Pak management.
The hackathon concept Think. Make. Start. is the brainchild of the people at UnternehmerTUM, the center of innovation and business creation at TU Munich. It is not the first time we partner up with them, and a summary of the process reads as follows:
Think covers the early stages of validating and iterating the idea. Make is about creating the prototype during the event. We then move on to the Start stage, where the best ideas will get resources to launch a project.
Starting June 3rd, there will be regular updates on our social channels – so join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter #thinkmakestart19