Aseptic dosing of true solutions and suspensions containing particles smaller than 0.22 microns into aseptic systems. The Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit E can also be used to achieve a sweeter taste in unsweetened milk products. The Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit E is fully automatic and can serve one or several fillers as well as an aseptic tank.
Quick facts
Unit for automatic in-line aseptic dosing of added ingredients to an aseptic product
Dosing range 5 – 150 l/h
Enzymes such as lactase, vitamins, flavours, colours, salt, rennet, i.e. products not suitable for sterilisation by heat.
Aseptic inline dosing
In this system, the ingredients are aseptically treated prior to dosing. This means they do not require heating. Any costly ingredients therefore maintain their original properties, which means smaller quantities of ingredient are needed to get the same result.
Product quality control
In the production of UHT lactose reduced milk, aseptic dosing means less lactase is added to the product, and this in turn means less sugar content in the milk. Less sugar content reduces the browning of the milk(caused by the Maillard reaction) and it typically doubles product shelf life from 3 to 6 months.
Expert dosing service
With two decades experience accumulated experience, Tetra Pak®'s aseptic dosing specialists can help you evaluate the suitability of ingredients (type and quality) and provide guidelines regarding the correct filter for each application. At certain of Tetra Pak®'s Product Development Centres a Tetra Pak® Aseptic Dosing unit E is installed for product trials.
Filter supervision and control system
A self-supervising system controls the pressure and temperature of the filters in order to safeguard aseptic conditions (and filter running time). It is equipped with a monitoring system to ensure that the sterile filter is intact after the sterilization phase and ready for production.