
Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower is an advanced, highly automated unit used for cheese curd washing and cooling in the cottage cheese lines. It is best suited in medium and high-capacity lines and when high pH is expected in final product.

cooling tower benefits
Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower

For a more delicate flavour

  • Reach new markets – reduce the lactic acid content, to produce the more neutral flavour that some consumers prefer
  • Reducing the workload of your vat, this unit provides a cost-effective way to increase line capacity
  • Consistent product quality thanks to even washing and cooling of the whole curd mass
Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower


Multiple water inlets

Multiple water inlets

Even and gentle flushing of the whole curd mass

Flushing water is fed into the tower via multiple inlets at its base and sides and flows between the curd particles in an upwards motion. The inlets are placed around the tank in such a way as to ensure an even flow of water throughout the whole tower, resulting in a thoroughly rinsed, cooled end product.

Ultra clean

Ultra clean

Maintains a hygienic production environment

Ultra Clean consists of a sterile air preparation system outside the vat. In the vat itself, there is an over and under-pressure valve and a safe manhole. Sterile air is pumped into the vat, creating a cushion of overpressure. This prevents non-sterile air from outside entering the unit if the manhole is opened.

Perforated overflow

Perforated overflow

Reduces product losses

A perforated pipeline is built into the top of the tower. Overflow water passes through it, but any small pieces of curd that have been carried up with the water are captured and fall back into the curd mass.

Explore our range of draining, washing & blending

Tetra Pak Drainer Washer 2

Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2

Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2 is designed to remove the whey and to wash and cool cottage cheese curd quickly and efficiently in one continuous operation.

Tetra Pak Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

The Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2 is designed to ensure a gentle draining of washing- and cooling water from cottage cheese curd.

Tetra Pak Blender VCC

Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

The Tetra Pak® Blender VCC reduces product losses by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders and provides uniform distribution of particles, down to 25% of full capacity.

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