
The Tetra Pak® Grainy Cheese Vat E4 is an advanced, highly automated piece of equipment used for the preparation of cheese curd in cottage/grainy cheese lines. Such lines may include filling machines, pasteurizers, drainers, tanks, blenders, etc.

grainy cheese vat e4 benefits
Tetra Pak® Grainy Cheese Vat E4

The difference is in the details

  • Extruded connections protect against thermal cracks, enhancing food safety and extending equipment lifetime
  • Flexibility to produce cottage cheese and fresh and soft cheese by varying processing parameters
  • Reduced losses - thanks to gentle stirring - and no coagulum remains uncut
Tetra Pak® Grainy Cheese Vat E4


Heating jacket

Heating jacket

Even curd temperature and no risk of overheating

The heating jacket is placed on the bottom and side walls of the vat, ensuring an even, rapid and controlled heat transfer. By controlling the heat transfer into the cheese curd we also control the speed of syneresis. This makes it possible to determine the exact moisture content in the final product.

Extruded inlet design

Extruded inlet design

Enhances food safety and extends equipment lifetime

In a traditional vat design, the welded connections are perpendicular to the inner jacket wall. As the vat heats and cools over time, it expands and contracts, leading to the risk of cracks in the weld. In this unit, all the connections leading from the inner jacket wall (to the CIP, water, manhole whey discharge etc…) are extruded to create a smooth steel arc. This prevent cracks caused by thermal stress.

Tipping system

Tipping system

Reduces product waste

Towards the end of the emptying process, a pressure transmitter at the bottom of the vat sends a signal to tip the vat and get the last curds out. This ensures that no product remains in the vat, reducing waste.

Indented back wall

Indented back wall

No curd remains uncut

The back wall of the vat is designed with indents at regular intervals. This means that when the longitudinal cut is made in the curd, the harp can continue cutting to the very edge of the coagulated curd mass. This means there is no ‘uncut’ curd left, thereby reducing waste.

Blades design

Blades design

Heating jacket

Heating jacket

Even curd temperature and no risk of overheating

The heating jacket is placed on the bottom and side walls of the vat, ensuring an even, rapid and controlled heat transfer. By controlling the heat transfer into the cheese curd we also control the speed of syneresis. This makes it possible to determine the exact moisture content in the final product.

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