Draining and washing equipment​ for cottage cheese

Cottage cheese curd is made by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria. The curd is then cut and cooked to achieve the right moisture content. Afer this, the whey is drained off, the curd is cooled and rinsed in water before finally being blended with the dressing. When produced in small quantities, draining, washing and blending can be carried out in the vat itself.

However, for the production of larger volumes, special equipment is needed. It begins with a draining belt, where the product is drained, cooled and the lactic acid is rinsed off by rinsing in water. (Should more thorough rinsing be needed, a special washing tank can be added to the line). The final step before packing takes place in a blender where the dressing is added.

Equipment for draining and washing

Tetra Pak Drainer Washer 2

Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2

Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2

Tetra Pak® Drainer Washer 2 is designed to remove the whey and to wash and cool cottage cheese curd quickly and efficiently in one continuous operation.

Tetra Pak Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

The Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2 is designed to ensure a gentle draining of washing- and cooling water from cottage cheese curd.

Tetra Pak Cooling Tower

Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower

Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower

The Tetra Pak® Cooling Tower is a unit for cottage cheese varieties that require extensive washing and cooling of curd

Tetra Pak Blender VCC

Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

Tetra Pak® Blender VCC

The Tetra Pak® Blender VCC reduces product losses by up to 90% compared to horizontal blenders and provides uniform distribution of particles, down to 25% of full capacity.

Cheese technology guide

The Cheese technology guide is an easy to use resource for industrial production of semi-hard cheese, Cheddar, Mozzarella and fresh cheeses. This valuable reference includes a helpful overview of the basic processes involved in cheese production, as well as expert advice and explanation of common terminology.

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