Empower your people through intuitive learning

Raise the bar for your workers’ skills and knowledge by encouraging competence development, ensuring compliance and improving oversight.

With Connected Workforce you can access high-value skill matrices that display the sequence of the tasks, and you can notice and act on gaps with tracking and compliance functionality. And – last but not least – this system makes it easier to motivate your staff with continuous training and development thanks to the intuitive interface.

Man in lab

Develop skills through valuable insights

In addition to the extensive learning opportunities, Connected Workforce also offers deeper insights into how your co-workers learn, and where there is room for improvement.

As a manager, you can:

  • Manage your workforce skills more effectively
  • Oversee and track competences and compliance
  • Reduce training time

Your operational employees:

  • Are empowered to control their own development
  • Can track their status and measure progress
  • Feel more satisfied and motivated at work
Woman in lab

Get in touch

Do you want to know how Connected Workforce can help to deepen knowledge in your plant while improving operational standards? Get in touch with one of our experts.

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That’s not all…

Being able to nurture a skilled and confident workforce is just one part of Connected Workforce. Learn about the rest here:

  • Just-in-time learning that sticks gives your staff constant access to video tutorials
  • Smooth collaboration and operations helps connect workers over factory floors, shifts and sites
  • Book a meeting to get an introduction to the full Connected Workforce offering