
Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat HCV-S & HCV-H are used for converting milk into curds and whey, in a batch process, for all cheese types. The vats have been proven to work with higher total solids in cheese milk.

cheese vat hcvs-hcvh benefits
Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat HCV-S & HCV-H

Optimal curd creation

  • Handles curd gently, minimizing fat and fines loss, and maximizing yield
  • Industry-leading design optimizes use of space in your plant
  • Proven durability, based on decades of engineering experience
Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat HCV-S & HCV-H


Dual counter-rotating agitators

Dual counter-rotating agitators

Optimal curd creation, cutting and pump-out

Counter rotating agitators achieve optimal mixing, which reduces rennet mixing time and makes it possible to predict the correct time for cutting. Optimal mixing also eliminates swirl in the vat, which reduces cutting time, gives a more consistent curd size, lower fat loss, and reduced fine creation. Finally, uniform mixing enables more consistent down-stream processing in belt machines.

Hot water heat transfer

Hot water heat transfer

Gentle and accurate cooking

We offer a choice of steam or hot water heat transfer. In our premium hot water vat, heat is transferred by a custom-engineered heat exchanger integrated into the vat wall. Unlike some laminar flow systems, this method effectively utilizes all the available surface area, providing gentle heating - without the risk of overheating and subsequent fat losses.

Patented seal design

Patented seal design

Lowest maintenance of any cheese vat

Our unique seal has been proven in hundreds of machines and over millions of hours of equipment operation. When properly maintained, its superior design eliminates leaks. A leak detection port gives advance warning if maintenance is needed. While one side of the agitator contains a seal, the other is supported with a USDA-accepted internal bearing design – which can be inspected from the outside the vat.

Vat body

Vat body

Higher yield on ingredients

The vat is designed to utilize the space in your plant effectively. Compared to round vat bodies, its design means the dual agitators can have a relatively smaller diameter, leading to lower centripetal speed at the blade tip. And this, in turn, means less yield-robbing energy going into the curd – and consequently higher yields.

Tetra Pak® Yieldmaster Vat blades

Tetra Pak® Yieldmaster Vat blades

Vat blades

To further increase cheese yields, we offer these superior vat blades as an option on the Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat HCV-S & HCV-H. They were originally designed for our premium Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat Yieldmaster 2, but on popular request, can now also be installed in this unit too.

Dual counter-rotating agitators

Dual counter-rotating agitators

Optimal curd creation, cutting and pump-out

Counter rotating agitators achieve optimal mixing, which reduces rennet mixing time and makes it possible to predict the correct time for cutting. Optimal mixing also eliminates swirl in the vat, which reduces cutting time, gives a more consistent curd size, lower fat loss, and reduced fine creation. Finally, uniform mixing enables more consistent down-stream processing in belt machines.

Explore our curd making range

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