The Tetra Pak® E3/Speed Hyper is the world’s fastest carton packaging machine, producing up to 40,000 packages per hour. This new filling machine doubles production capacity versus the Tetra Pak® A3/Speed without doubling machine footprint.

Compared to the Tetra Pak® A3/Speed, the new filling line also lowers customer operational costs by up to 10%, while reducing energy use by 30%, water use by up to 45% and chemical consumption by 99%.

Getting the most from this leading-edge technology requires the right expertise, and this is where Fabio Villani, Global System Support Associate, steps in. As a global specialist, Fabio helps Tetra Pak customers around the world achieve the full benefits of the Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper. 

The key factor behind the performance of the Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper is electron beam (eBeam) sterilisation, a fast and energy-efficient method for sterilising packaging material which does not require hydrogen peroxide. However, like any new technology, it requires the right operating procedures and maintenance to reach its full benefits. Fabio explains:

 “eBeam is a state-of-the-art technology, so it’s important for food and beverage producers to learn how to work with it. I follow up with customers and train their operators in the necessary procedures. For example, the eBeam system on the filling machine needs a periodic dosimetry test to make sure performance meets expectations.”

When Fabio travels to customers, he helps them achieve the targeted performance of the new Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper in terms of efficiency and utilisation. He resolves issues, rebalances settings and coaches operators.

Fabio recounts a recent visit to a customer in Argentina. “I spent several weeks at the customer site, helping the operators achieve the machine’s targeted efficiency. When I was there, I worked with my Tetra Pak colleagues in Argentina, and was able to call on the expertise of the D&T team in Italy.”

Sharing the knowledge of a whole network

Fabio explains that his role is to be a connection between the customer, the local Tetra Pak team, and the central D&T team. “This is a key part of being a global specialist: we have the right network to speed up issue resolution and achieve optimal performance on the filling line.”

Fabio joined Tetra Pak in 2020, bringing many years of experience in the oil and gas industry as a field service engineer, software developer and instructor. He was assigned exclusively to the Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper, and his first task was to learn about the new technology.

Fabio started by working on tests with the D&T team. He also sharpened his knowledge of the Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper and eBeam through courses and on-the-job coaching with experienced colleagues. At the same time, he built up the network he now relies on.

Now Fabio spends 40% of his time travelling, and he enjoys it. “Travelling is something I like because I encounter different countries and ways of life. I meet customers and colleagues from different cultures, and that opens my mind in many ways.”

Fabio Villani in front of the Tetra Pak logotype


Contributing to future developments

When Fabio is not visiting customers, he helps the D&T team create new development steps and test upgrade kits. In this way, customers’ experiences in different production environments are integrated into new releases.

For example, he has recently been involved in testing volume rebuilding kits in Italy. Volume rebuilding kits let you switch between packaging formats, and even drop a size if necessary. He will carry this experience to customers around the world, installing kits and teaching staff how to operate the new volumes. 

Fabio says that although being a global specialist can be demanding, he enjoys the challenge.

“My job is exciting one day to the next and inspires me every morning when I start work. I find it rewarding whenever I help a customer achieve top performance on their Tetra Pak E3/Speed Hyper line. I consider myself lucky to be in this position!”

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