Juices, Nectars and Still Drinks (JNSD) Solution - Production Island, Aseptic Blending

Juices, nectars and still drinks line with aseptic blending

This line produces commercially sterile high-acid beverages such as juices, nectars, and still drinks using a combination of heat treatment, filtration, UV light treatments, and aseptic blending. Steps include pasteurising the concentrate, treating the water with UV light, and filtration, as well as blending the concentrate and water aseptically in-line. This process reduces your energy consumption by up to 67% and your water consumption by up to 50%, while also lowering your production costs compared to a conventional setup where the entire product stream is pasteurised. To reduce energy use, our best-practice line heat-treats only the concentrate and treats water with UV light and filtration. To cut water use, it reduces the system volume in your pasteuriser, leaving you with less equipment to clean. Additionally, accuracy improvements and eliminating production mix phases enable concentrate savings and lower product losses.

Juices, Nectars and Still Drinks (JNSD) Line Solution - Production Island, Traditional Blending

Nectars and still drinks line

Tetra Pak's proven lines for nectars and still drinks offer several major advantages. Starting in the pre-mix area, we offer a choice of different mixers adapted to your specific product ingredients. It continues with a blending system that, together with our pasteurizer, secures the lowest possible product losses. It ends with an aseptic tank from which your product can be safely distributed to the filler


Redefining JNSD beverage line architecture with filtration and UV

Read our whitepaper exploring how we could reconfigure the processing of ingredients while maintaining product safety and shelf-life while achieving a much lower processing cost.

Rethinking resources

Food and beverage producers face growing challenges in energy, water, and waste management. Addressing them requires a combination of technology and food expertise, tailored to your operations. Our comprehensive portfolio of products and services, backed by decades of experience in food applications, can help you reduce your energy, water, and waste while simultaneously delivering cost benefits.

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